May 2012 Moms

Little longer birth story

I can't believe how different labour was this time. with DD#1 it started and finished in 9 hours. This time...It started Monday night and ended Thursday night!  I started having major contractions Monday night only for them to stop midway through the night. Tuesday I had 4 hours of 6 min apart contractions...then it stopped. Tuesday night contractions were waking me up. Wednesday was identical to Tuesday. Finally on Thursday morning I was having contractions 5 mins apart for about 4 hours but felt no rush to leave for the hospital as I was sure they would stop. 

Finally my mom forced me to head into the hospital. I arrived at 5:30pm. I was so emotionally exhausted from days of on-off labour.  They assessed me and said I would not be leaving without a baby. I was only at 4cm when I got there. I laboured until 7:30 when I finally asked for a spinal (different from epidural and was amazing!). They broke my water and baby was born by 9:47pm.  

The delivery was super painful. The spinal had won off a lot by then . And we found out the reason for the start-stop labour was because baby was coming down the birth canal sideways. They had to pull out one shoulder at a time in order to try and twist her a little straighter.  Luckily I only had a small tear requiring two stitches.

We are now settling in at home. Big sister has willing said yes to anyone who has offered to take baby away!

GL to all the May Mommas to come! 

Re: Little longer birth story

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    Congratulations!  I am just curious why you asked for a spinal instead of an epidural. 
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    In the hospital I delivered at they don't normally offer anything unless you happen to be there on a surgery day. This is a small town. So they had to page a doctor and if he was willing then that was the only way I could have anything. And he was willing to give me a spinal. Especially since it was my second and I was already at 6 he figured as soon as the spinal was in and my water was broke that baby would come very quick. 
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