DH and I's two year anniversary is Tuesday next week. He has to work the night before (he's a cop who works the night shift) and so will be working when it turns midnight on our Anniversary. Just as a fun quirky (and not to mention - free) gift idea, I was going to burn a CD that I would tell him to play after midnight that would have a few father/baby boy songs on it. I have these five in mind:
1) Danny's Song by Kenny Loggins
2) Anything Like Me by Brad Paisley
3) The Day You Gave Me A Son by Babyface
4) I See Me by Travis Tritt
5) Beautiful Boy by John Lennon
I just want two or three more songs to put on there to complete the playlist. I have another present for him for a "date night" later, this is just for fun. Anyone have any song ideas?
Re: Anyone know any Baby Boy songs?
Since these seem a little country, I like:
The Walk - Sawyer Brown (its a little older)
Watching You - Rodney Adkins
Dixie Lullabye - Pat Green
partial molar pregnancy : bfp 6.28.10, d/c 8.17.10, 7 rounds methotrexate, cleared 7.1.11
alexander patrick : bfp 1.16.12, born 9.20.12 @ 39w1d, 7 lbs./11 oz./22 in.
scarlett irene elizabeth : bfp 5.24.13, born 2.3.14 @ 41w2d, 7 lbs./13 oz./19 in.
the blog
Having two sons I still cry ugly when I hear this song!
I have to second Brad Paisley's anything like me. I think DH has cried maybe 5 times in the almost twenty years I have known him. He heard that song and held it together until the kid chimes in at the end and completely lost it.
omg I looooove this song! I used to play this over & over to ds when he was in my belly & as a newborn.
Yeah, thus the question mark. I was LOLing when I found it.
This. I can't even listen to this song...I cry every single time I hear it.
So I just listened to everyone's suggestions on YouTube and there are now a bunch of used and wadded up tissues sitting on my desk because of it. Holy Cry Fest. Haha!
I'm going with Just the Two of Us by Will Smith, Watching You by Rodney Atkins and The Best Day by George Strait. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. They were all great!