
Adoption Prayer Group

Hi everyone, The Adoption Prayer Group is a support group utilizing the power of prayer. If you want to join I will assign you a prayer buddy and all you have to do is simply include that person in your prayers. Very simple-yet powerful!!! The complete listing of partners can be found under Prayer Partners. I usually post on Wednesdays. Feel free to search under Adoption Prayer Group and check in at whatever time of day. If you have any concerns, special prayer requests, or need to reach me outside of the bump please email me at

If you want to join the group and be linked up with a prayer partner please provide the following info: your name, and if you choose your email address. If you?re not comfortable with posting your email address, please feel free to send me a private message with your email address. Prayer Partners: Joe?s Sweet Pea and Silliest Bunny, Katybug_h and Jen is Silly, Sugardumpling and Ginger71, babywisher and firecracker8, julandjo and cogbot, GnomeSweetGnome and srmmm09, kellz ( and Amber, Gracie Sue Nicole and Brenda, Porsha and pinkzebra, Honeydew and Potatohead, MandertheDB and Amy720, Layafette Girl and msamerica.

This Week?s Events:

Praise: Zanymermaid: She passed her comprehensive exam ? she now has her master?s in library and information science! She heard from her social worker this week ? the home study should be finished by the middle of May. Please pray that all goes well!

Bhead81: Her pink eye is finally gone and B is on the mend!

Joe?s Sweet Pea: They brought their daughter home on March 9th! Special

Prayer Requests: Please let me know if you have any prayer requests.

Layafette Girl: Please keep her in your prayers. She is really struggling right now. The Easter holiday and seeing the children doing Easter egg hunts has made her sad. Holidays can be especially difficult for those of us who are waiting to become parents. Please pray for strength, patience, and faith for her.

Katybug_h: She and her DH are scheduled to meet a sibling group on April 21st. Please pray for patience and wisdom on their part as they are deciding whether or not they should pursue them. Bhead 81: She was laid off from her job this week. Please pray that she will be able to find a quick replacement.

Zanymermaid: Her dog is experiencing a sprained neck. Please pray that he heals quickly!

Welcome new members! Please welcome Amyaggie 97!

Reflection for the day: 1 Corinthians 13:13: There are three things that last for ever: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of the three is love.

Question of the day: This is National Infertility Week. If you have dealt with infertility, what do you wish your family/friends would have done to be more supportive during your struggle with infertility? I wish that people would have realized that wanting me to become pregnant would not have made me become pregnant.

Group updates: -If you have any upcoming events (appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, etc) be sure to let me know so I can post them in the events section!!

Re: Adoption Prayer Group

  • Answer for the Question:

    I wish people would have stopped saying things like, "Just relax and you'll get pregnant." Really, do you think I haven't tried being relaxed? Infertility isn't cured by relaxation.

    I also wish that family had taken the time to educate themselves about infertility even just a little bit. It would have prevented a lot of stupid and hurtful comments.

    Cervical Cancer Survivor since 2007 TTC Since 2008 IUI#1 = BFN IUI#2 = BFN IUI#3 = BFN IUI#4 = BFN IVF #1 = BFN FET #1 = BFN FET #2 = BFN FET #3 = BFN IVF #2 = BFN IVF #3 = BFN FET #4 = BFN FET #5 = BFP!!! 06/10/2011 Miscarriage 06/21/2011 Adoption Application Submitted 09/2011, Personal Documents Submitted 11/18/2011, Home Visit 12/16/2011, Officially Waiting!!! 01/21/2013 MATCHED!!!! 01/24/2013 Baby Boy Born! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Congratulations on completing your master's, Suzanne!  I hope to be joining you as an MLS grad next May. :)

    QOTD: Our families didn't have a whole lot to say during our IF struggles, but they were always there to listen and offer their prayer and support, which we really appreciated.  I had one IRL friend to whom I could vent anything IF related and she totally understood and commiserated.  We were very lucky!

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