Besides the usual Isabella and Aiden, what are the names you keep hearing in your neck of the woods? (especially for the 2 and under crowd?)
We're not too far outside of the Philly burbs we know:
3 Lukes (all born in the last 6 months)
2 Sofias
3 Clare/Claras
2 Haileys
3 Emily/Emma
2 Evas
Oddly enough we only know 1 Aiden, 1 Brayden, 1 Isabella and 1 Lily. My boys are Sam and John (called Jack) and while we hear the occasional Jack at the playground my 6 y/o has always been the only in his class. We have yet to meet another Sam (boy) but have met a few Samanthas.
Re: Most popular names in your area?
Landon (2), Isabella (2), Noah (3), Abigail (2)...
BRANTLEY (3!) is a big hit around here
Baby Name Popularity by State
Married since 08-06-11
BFP#1: 6-22-12. EDD: 3-4-13 MMC- 7-24-12 D&C- 8/10/12
Partial Molar Pregnancy
Brantley? Is that for a boy or girl?
I am a newborn photographer so I meet new babies all the time, and there are definitely TONS of:
Hmm, local... Not a lot of duplicates but:
1. Liam X3
2. Luke X2
3. Jack/Jackson X2
4. Genevieve X2
5. Vivian X2
6. Benedict X2
7. Seamus X2
8. John Paul X2
9. Gabriel X2
10. Addison X2
11. Reese (for girls) X2
I know several long-distance Jacks and Owens
Lily, Lilly
Jackson, Jaxon
Boy. I'm guessing it's becoming popular because of Brantley Gilbert, the country singer. (I'm from Kentucky).
I know a bunch of little girls named Emma, Caroline, Annabelle, Abby (Abigail), Zoe, Chloe, Lillian, a few w/nn Ali but not sure what their full names are, and a couple named Delilah.
I don't know as many duplicate boys...a couple named Carter and a couple named Jack
Gabriel is very popular in my area. At the school I'm at there is at least one Gabriel in every class, no joke.
I'd say Hailey (and all it's variations) is the popular girl's name. There seems to be at least 2-3 per grade level.
Aiden x4
Madison x3
Jackson/Jaxon x4
Amelia x3
I used to love the name Jackson, now its just overkill.
I know 4 boys born in the last year with Henry as either fn or mn... Unfortunately Jacksons are all over too around me... thought I was so original! lol Ava and any form of Emma or Ella Tons of Rileys both boy and girl
There are far, far too many Jackson's and Jack's in my area--I just hate it! Also rising stars: Henry, & Owen.
As for girls, there are a lot of Ava/Ella/Bella that I hear out in public. Also, Reese. 3 FB friends named their baby girls Reese over the last 2 months.
Nancy James 9.1.12
Calvin Donald 8.27.14
Girls: Addison and Isabella
Boys: Jackson and Jacob
We live in the South. We don't have a ton of friends here, since we're only here for a short time, but names I hear at the doctor's office and see at work frequently:
Ava: Everywhere. Southerners LOVE this name. Sometimes it's the full name, sometimes it's the first part of a double first name (Ava Claire, Ava Mae, etc.)
I've also seen a fequent number of "gone to the girls" names on boys. I've seen both Avery and Harper, and I see Tristan quite a bit (not really in the same category, but soft and girly nonetheless).
I've also, strangely, met two little girls named Aidan.
ETA: Back home (Midwest), every girl is either Chloe or Zoe (usually with the useless Y at the end).
Isabel/Isabell and Isabella
Sophie-strangely I don't know any Sophias but a few Sophies
My Ovulation Chart
My Ovulation Chart
Boys: Hayden/Kayden/Jayden
Girls: Addison, Savannah, Ava, Grace