May 2012 Moms

baby dropping = smaller belly for anyone else?

I was measuring about 36 cm at 36 weeks, and yesterday, at my 37-week appointment, my midwife said my baby must have dropped into my pelvis because I only measured 32 cm.  Wow!  I hadn't even realized the baby had dropped-- then, when my husband and I went home, we were looking in the mirror and were like, "Oh, yeah, it does look lower."  Ha!  I'm such a clueless new mom-to-be... :-)

Anyway, I just thought this was interesting-- did it happen to anyone else? 

Re: baby dropping = smaller belly for anyone else?

  • My MW didn't mention anything, but I noticed on my chart yesterday that I was measuring at 40 cm when last week I was 41.  This makes sense because LO is a little bit lower than before.  Interesting!  


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  • Happened to me!  Baby dropped and my belly got noticeably smaller...

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  • My baby has dropped some & my belly definitely looks smaller.
    Mommy to Anniston (3), Eden (1), and baby on the way. Angel baby 4/2013
  • Glad to know it's at least somewhat common.  And I'll take it-- I'm more comfortable with a slightly smaller belly now than I was last week, and it's good to know that there is some sign of progress that I'm moving towards labor. :-)
  • Yes this happened to me too.  My belly looks a lot less cute and round and a lot more saggy, lol.

    BFP#1 EDD 11/8/11 - MC @ 9w6d, 4/15/11 we said goodbye
    BFP#2 DD arrived 5/7/12
  • I was measuring spot on at 32 weeks. Went back at 34 weeks and was measuring 31 weeks. But I could tell that he had dropped, so I wasn't worried, and neither was my OB.

    I agree with PP, my belly looks more saggy now than round. Makes me sad.

    DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}
  • I measure the same. It isn't smaller, but the shape is certainly different. When she dropped, she apparently crossed her legs into a tailor-sit type of position, whereas her legs were more stretched out before.
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