Two Under 2

I can hang out here, right?

DD#2 will only be 22 months younger than DD#1, so I know I am cutting it close, so I can hang out over here anyway, right?


I really cannot get into the tri boards this time around and I wanted to pop in here and say hi and see what it's all about. 

So, hello ladies. :)

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Re: I can hang out here, right?

  • I haven't spent much time on the tri boards, either, with this pregnancy.  This board is fairly slow, which I like since I can actually keep up with posts without having to spend much time online :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I remember you from tri boards when I was expecting DD2. Tri boards definitely lose their interest the second time around. Congrats on #2!



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  • Not sure I understand the question.  You'll have 2u2 and you can post wherever you want.  Wink  My kids are 25 months apart but most of the 2u2 issues relate.  The tri boards didn't interest me the 2nd time around either.  Welcome!
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