I'm on another forum as well, for preeclampsia mothers, and there are lots of women on there who have lost a baby due to the disease, but then there are those whose babies were lucky and are doing well. The posts that these women make whining about stupid sh*t like "what do you do if I have to go on bedrest?? I have other children!" I seriously want to write back "b*tch, if going on bedrest and taking care of my healthy son was my only concern I'd be the happiest woman in the world." They also say stupid things like about how they don't know if they can do what their doctor says... to which I want to say "You do realize that LOTS of babies die because of preeclampsia right??? Just because your last one didn't doesn't mean you can be an idiot!"
Sorry.... I just needed to vent. The forum has a lot of good info, and like I said other loss mamas who understand fear of loss combined with fear of pre-e...but women like this just drive me up the wall.
My Blog
Re: This drives me crazy (rainbow pregnancy related)
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
type 1 diabetic for 7 years. Been on the pump for 6 years.
Pisses me off too!! I get so upset seeing that other moms got to take their LOs home and I didn't for the same condition. And then to COMPLAIN about bedrest in subsequent pregnancies to prevent this condition?? Boils my blood!! I deserved to take my DS home too!
PgAL/PAL welcome
In memory of Corbin Scott 10/28/11-12/3/11. Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind Heaven got a little better the day it took you away from me Missing you tonight, see you again sometime For now I'll close my eyes and dream of heaven tonight I'll love you forever I'll like you for always Now and Forever My baby you'll be