Baby Names

What else could Jay be short for?

I really like Jay as a nn for a future son, but I'm not sure what I would use as a fn. I don't want to just use Jay as the first name. The only ones I can think of are James, Jason, or Jayden right now. James is my jerky grandfather's middle name, so I don't think I would want to use that; Jayden is a trendy mess to me; and although I like Jason I think it sounds a bit too dated. 

Any other ideas? Would prefer a name that started with the Jay- sound, rather than just starting with the letter J (for example, Jeremy).  

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Re: What else could Jay be short for?

  • Jay can be a first name on its own, too.

    I was going to say John, but you said you'd like it to have the actual "Jay" sound.
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  • Like pp said, Jay can be a stand-alone first name.

    I also know a Jerrold who goes by Jay, but that doesn't rhyme how you want.

  • Jaylin, JayZ (couldn't resist)
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  • My uncle is Jay (just Jay) and a woman I know has a little boy named Jay, just Jay. Anyway, I don't think Jason is dated. It is ranked #66 so it's still popular.

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  • imageBLPL101:
    Anyway, I don't think Jason is dated. It is ranked #66 so it's still popular.

    I don't think it is dated either.  

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  • I agree, I think Jason sounds dated too - like a 1970-1980 name

    Unfortunately I don't have a suggestion for another name - sorry

    and agree that Jayden is trendy and just awful

    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageSchnebs:
    Jacob, Jameson

    These are the two I was going to suggest. Smile

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  • Thanks...I know, it is hard! Maybe I will rethink Jay as a standalone name. I was just thinking if he introduces himself that way, people might think it was just the letter J- but am probably overthinking. 

    Knowing my husband though, when I suggest it as a first name he will then immediately suggest Zee as the middle name.  

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  • Love James and Jameson!  And yes, you could just do Jay.  We did Jake, not Jacob, just Jake.

    Not a fan of Jayden...way too many boys and girls named that. 

    I like definitely should make a comeback!

  • We have a Jacob who unintentionally got the nickname Jay-Jay when he was a baby (from big brother who couldn't say his name yet). It kind of stuck for a while, but now we've shortened it to Jay. So he goes by both Jacob and occasionally Jay. It isn't a conventional nickname for Jacob, but he is so not a Jake, and he will tell you that too. :)
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    Logan David 03.27.08
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  • I started calling my hubby (Jason) Jay back when we were dating.  My sister is dating a Jay (Jeremy) so that's going to be fun.
  • My cousin's name is Johnathon but everyone calls him Jay... 

    James is nice and classic. 

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  • I have a good friend named Jaymie, whom we call Jay.

    My BIL is a Jason, but we call him Jay too. 

    Derek - February 2013        Caelyn April 2011

  • What about Jacob?
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