Cloth Diapering

where to start

Hello ladies,

I've been lurking on this board a bit, and watching some youtube videos, chatting with friends, etc. We've finally decided to go cloth diaper with our baby. The problem is, we live out of the country, and cloth diapers here are hard to come by/expensive. My husband IS going to the states next week. Where should I send him? I'm not against second hand, but I don't want him running all over town getting diapers, so I'd ideally like to send him one place where he can get a good start on our stash. Then, the rest we can hopefully order online. What do you think? TIA! 

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Re: where to start

  • Uhhhhh, I think it would help if you posted what part of the country he is going to be. And really, I got all my CD stuff online.
  • You could place an order online and get it shipped to where ever he is staying.

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  • He will be in the Chicago area. I have looked at alvababy and zulily, but little else. Other recommendations? Thanks for the advice.
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  • imagePBear93:
    You could place an order online and get it shipped to where ever he is staying.

    This is probably your best bet.  Is there a specific diaper/brand you want him to buy?  Kelly's Closet is a good general online CD store. 

    You could also look at the local craig's list and set up some appointments to buy used. 

    I'm not from Chicago, so I can't help with any B&M stores. 

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