We exclusively cloth diaper, and we are getting ready to go on an international trip. My husband and I have compromised that we will get disposable diapers for the plane ride (we are staying with family and will have access to a washing machine, and I don't mind doing laundry to escape having to talk to my in-laws... ha ha).
Which brand of disposables would you recommend? 7th Generation are chlorine free. Which chemicals are the ones to avoid? Is there a better brand in terms of being chemical free?
Which size would you recommend? In the case of 7th Generation, size 3 runs 16-28lbs, and size 4 runs 22-37lbs. My daughter is one year old and 20.5lbs, so I'm thinking size 3, but I'm asking if you have personal experience with 7th Generation that would make you think I should size up. Thanks!
Re: Cloth Diaper Alternative?
I love 7th Gen for travel, but when they aren't available I use Huggies natural because they're fragrance free (I hate, HATE the nasty perfumes on disposables!). I think my Whole Foods purposefully chooses not to restock the 7th Gen so people will buy their crappy 365 brand diapers.
As for sizes.. I find 7th Generation to run small, but if I were you I'd go with size 3 since she's in the low-mid range for that size. HTH
DD 8/28/2014
DD 5/24/2016, stillborn at 40 weeks
I will say that the nice thing about disposables is the sizes seem to be pretty standardized for weight classes. Since your LO is in the middle, she should be fine. (FWIW my LO is same weight and in Size 3 no problem)
I find sposies fit by body type. It's about how those 20 pounds are distributed.
If she's long and skinny, I'd go with a 3. If she's short and chunky, I'd size up to a 4. I have a 20 pound niece that is a string bean - she's wearing a 3.
Thanks, guys! This is helpful. I am so clueless about diaper sizes since all she ever wore was NB for a short time. I think I'm going to size up because she does tend to me solid in the middle. She's 50th percentile for both height and weight, but she isn't walking yet, so her thighs haven't thinned out yet.
Again, many thanks!