
3u2 mommas?! Any here?

Omg, here the true journey begins I feel. I need advice. Any would be greatly appreciated. I am freaking out.   How do I prepare?  How do I prepare them?  Will a SAHM be able to survive this, lol. 

Pho would have thought that I would ovulate once in 6 months and we would be so lucky as to hit that day. Ugh 


The twins will be approx 20 months old when lo arrives.  

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Re: 3u2 mommas?! Any here?

  • I'm in the reverse boat! My daughter will be about 20 months when my twins arrive!!

     I can't offer any experienced advice, only to say you can do it. Whenever I freak out at having 3u2 I just take it one day at a time.

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  • My boys will be a week shy of 2 years old when this baby arrives (if he doesn't decide to come earlier).  I'm not a SAHM but I'm freaking out right there with you.


    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
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  • Congratulations! My boys are al little older and were 26 months when LO was born but they have been adjusting well. Magpie's kids are younger though so she may have some better advice. For me, it has been an easier transition than I thought it would be (so far). I work PT but am on maternity leave so I'm at home until 3 months.  What keeps me sane when DH is at work is getting out of the house. Even if it is something as simple as walking to Starbucks. But we have also been to play groups, grocery shopping, target etc. It takes longer to get out of the house and it takes more effort to time everything right, but it works. Join the Already MoM's plus pregnant checkin that comes around. 
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  • First, I just want to say I love the little shirts in your siggy! How cute! I have b/g twins and may steal that idea! Did you make those?

    As for 3u2, DD1 turned 2 the day after they were born, but we're still pretty close to 3u2... all I can say is to try to have help, if possible. I hate spending all the money, but I have a babysitter that comes 2 mornings a week - so I have 1 day to spend w/ DD1 and another day to myself (DD1 goes to school 2x/wk)... we think it's worth it for my sanity!

    Bedtime is the worst for me... I'd recommend putting your baby down for the night EARLY from the start. We finally (at around 2 months) started putting the babies down at about 7pm, then DD goes to bed at 8pm and it's much easier that way.

    I just prepared myself for the worst, and told myself that it would be hell for the first 3 months and we just have to get thru it... the nice thing is that even tho we had twins second, the second time around really is easier. You're just more relaxed and less stressed out. GL!

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  • My twins are due two weeks before my DD turns two.  So If I'm lucky I'll have 3u2 for a month or so.

     I am extremely lucky and feel very blessed but It's terrifying isn't it?  Just the realization that I will be able to do nothing by myself for the next year at least.   I mean how do you grocery shop with 3 little ones?!

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  • i was almost a 3 under 2.  Griffin was 2y2mo when the twins were born.

    You learn to do it - and you make it work - don't worry! :)


    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • I do not have any advice from experience, but I have been keeping a list of advice that I have received from other moms.

    I am expecting twins and my DS1 will be about 15-16 months when they arrive. I have no idea how I will do this, nor do we have any childcare plans yet. I need to see how things go before I can determine if I what situation will be best for us.

    I agree with Emma, I am expecting the first few months to be very rough. But, I am hopeful that it will be better than I expect.

    Here's some advice that I have gotten so far (at least the good stuff ; ))

    - Keep snacks for yourself and the older LO near you when you nurse.

    - Do not say no to help. If people have offered to help, send out an email asking when they would like to help. Let them know that you do not want to hire additional help for that day if they are going to be there.

    - Go easy on yourself. Things might not go exactly as you would have planned, your children may watch more tv than you would like, but just remember that you are doing your best.

    -Focus on the fun things that your children will be able to enjoy together since they will be close in age.

    Best of luck to you!!

    DS #1: (Summer 2010) Gonal-F, Ovidrel, Endometrin & B2B IUIs (Hail Mary Cycle) DC #2&3: IVF #1 (November 2011) Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I had 3u2 (now 3u3). I had a lot of help and am only now starting to feel it is managable. We used a lot of TV and everyone just had to get used to the fact that they had to wait their turn to have their needs met. As much as possible prepare everything in advance during the precious few minutes when everyone is sleeping or occupied. Prep meals, pack bags, throw in laundry. restock diaper supplies etc. so everything is as organized as possible when the you know what hits the fan. And it will, and there may be tears, but everyone will survive. I tell my kids all the time, you are a twin (or brother to twins), you have to wait, it builds character.
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  • Orangsmoke:  Glad to hear there is someone in a similar boat and ahead of me, you might get a few pms from me, lol. Good luck. We're you early with the twins?  I was 32.5, I am just hoping I make it past 35 weeks with this one!


    10klm:  good luck to you. I don't mean to make you anxious, but I think the only thing that is keeping me from going overboard is that I had the twins first.  I hope you will have plenty of help, as I hope I will as well, lol. 


    Jalaiaa:  thanks for your advice. I hope I will be able to do that, I still get anxiety just taking the 2, but hopefully when they are a little older we can all communicate better and make it easier.  But I am glad to hear you are making it through just fine.  

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  • imagepooman:

    My twins are due two weeks before my DD turns two.  So If I'm lucky I'll have 3u2 for a month or so.

     I am extremely lucky and feel very blessed but It's terrifying isn't it?  Just the realization that I will be able to do nothing by myself for the next year at least.   I mean how do you grocery shop with 3 little ones?!

    It's possible! Put your DD in the front of the cart (where you normally would), one baby in a carseat in the big part of the cart and wear the other baby. You can buy hooks (I got one called The Mommy Hook at Walmart) to hang on the front bar to put extra groceries.

    My son was almost 2 1/2 when the twins were born. It's been an adjustment, but like Goldie said, you'll figure it out.




    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
  • imagemummyofsix:

    I had my fourth child 14 months (to the day) after my twins were born. It was a very scary thought, but it turned out to be MUCH easier than I thought it would be. I do admit she was an easy baby, but it was also just such a treat "only" having one baby. The twins found it a really easy transition and did well. IMO, my life was already crazy (I had a 3 year old as well) so she just kind of...... fit in. :) 

    You're going to do GREAT! 

    Love this!

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I had 3 under 2 for a month...My DD was 23 months and 1 day old when the boys were born...and my DS was 36 months and 2 days.  I have done the 4u4 thing now for almost a year(hard to believe).  I had NO help but it was manageable and a blast...we got out of the house alone as soon as I could say around a week and half after the boys were born....I had to get on with normal life.   I dare say adding the twins has been easy!

    Biggest piece of advice take all advice with a grain of salt...take what works for you and throw the rest out and be kind to yourself.   


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  • I had my singleton first. He was 17 months when I had the girls. You'll survive! That's my almost-3-months experience at least, haha. 
  • Our triplets were not quite 2 1/2 when Jericho arrived. It was tough at times, but I have done it on my own, just like I did with the trio. I did end up having an emergency appendectomy when #4 was 3 weeks old, so we hired a mothers helper for a month which was really nice. Good luck, you can do it!
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    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • Oh my-

    just, oh my.



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  • imageHopeful1!:
    I had 3u2 (now 3u3). I had a lot of help and am only now starting to feel it is managable. We used a lot of TV and everyone just had to get used to the fact that they had to wait their turn to have their needs met. As much as possible prepare everything in advance during the precious few minutes when everyone is sleeping or occupied. Prep meals, pack bags, throw in laundry. restock diaper supplies etc. so everything is as organized as possible when the you know what hits the fan. And it will, and there may be tears, but everyone will survive. I tell my kids all the time, you are a twin (or brother to twins), you have to wait, it builds character.

    Awesome advice...I prepped dinner up to the point of putting everything in the oven at 7:30 this morning.

    Clothes are put out for the next morning while they eat breakfast, too. 

    When kids are eating lunch I clean bags, restock them and put them by the door 

    At nap time, I prep dinner for the kids...they eat way earlier than we do and I fold laundry.  Dishwasher runs after lunch and after dinner.

    I give Emerson her bath early-around 3:45 before the babies wake from their nap or they want to crawl in with her.  

    You learn to be ahead of the game and sometimes when you  think you're on top of it all-you aren't.

    As another pp said, you will fall into a groove after awhile.  Even then, it's not easy but, it gets bearable.    


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  • I'm in the opposite situation. My DD will be 20 months when the twins get here. I can't offer any advice. Somedays I have my fears about handling three at home all day by myself but I know I will make it through. 


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  • My DD was 19m when the twins arrived. It is hella hard and I'm actually ready to lose it right now Wink  Take help whenever offered. I wish I had more help.
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  • I think there are a few of us floating around here! My girls will be 21 months and I alternate between being excited and absolutely terrified on a daily basis! If we can handle multiples we can do anything for sure!
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  • Yep, I will have 4 under 3 1/2! No advice yet, but I'll keep you posted lol
    Mom to 2 beautiful girls, 3 yrs and 22 months old. My 2nd was born at 32 weeks due to Rhogam failure/severe complications from Rh disease and is our miracle. She has bilateral auditory neuropathy and a cochlear implant, activated 4/5/2012 at 19 months. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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