Pregnant after 35

2nd (or more) timers - stabby lower pelvic pain in late pg?

Sorry if this has already been asked, pg brain has set in with a vengeance.  I went to L&D yesterday because I was having sharp, stabby pains right above my pubic bone (feels right about where my cervix is). They tested for UTI, negative.  Said it could either be very, very early labor or just baby's position.  Anyone else experience this?  I have no other symptoms so don't think its early labor but of course I could be wrong! 
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Re: 2nd (or more) timers - stabby lower pelvic pain in late pg?

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    I answered on the May board, but I'll do it here, too. About 2w ago, LC kicked in but good. Every step I take sends a little electric shock through my cervix. Sometimes, it makes me stop and catch my breath. My OB says it's believed to be one of two things: dilation or the baby bouncing on your cervix. The real cause isn't known.
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    yes, I have had the Lightening crotch, what feels like a pulled groin muscle and sharp pains round about where my ovaries are. I don't know what the F*** she is doing in there, but this kiddo hurts.
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    Yes, I am having the same pains.  This baby has dropped so low I feel like I need to keep my legs crossed at all times.  I get the stabbing pains - doctor said its because he has dropped and hitting my 'goods' down there.  Yes, I have the smart alec doctor.

    My first baby never dropped like this so this is entirely new for me - and I don't like it much let me tell you!

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