Cloth Diapering

Need Starting Out Advice

Hubby and I are totally on board with cloth diapering.  This is our first baby and I have no experience with babies - no family members, friends, etc. that have them.  I did change a diaper, once, about 15 years ago as a teenager.

Looking at the options for cloth diapers my head is spinning.  Google has been my friend because I didn't know what a lot of these things are - like prefolds.  So totally not what I thought that meant.  Anyway, there are so many options, brands, kinds, etc. that I have no idea where to even start.

For a newbie like me, first baby, first cloth diapering experience - what would you recommend getting in terms of brand, all in one, pocket, diaper covers, etc.  Also, how many of these things should I have when baby is born?  And sizes, do the ones size ones work or not?  Sounds great in theory but I'm rather skeptical.  Velcro vs. snaps, anything you can share from your experience and knowledge would be appreciated!


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Re: Need Starting Out Advice

  • Check out the FAQs at the top of the board. A lot of people recommend a diaper trial (like from Jillian's Drawers) to see what you like and don't like. Not all diapers will fit your baby perfectly, so you have to experiment a bit.

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  • I started at 7 months so can't tell ya much about the newborn stuff. I have heard one sizes don't work till about 12 pounds. Prefolds and covers work in the beginning. My Boy is now 22 pounds 16 months and is using the same one size diapers he used at 7 months. One Size work great! Tons of brands for sure. Buy gently used maybe that's what we did. I try different kinds. WE use pockets. You'll soon find what you love may not be what you thought. Snaps are great!
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  • I'm in the same boat as you- there are so many options! What really helped me was going to a free class at a local store that sells cloth diapers. They went over all the different options and passed them around. It was nice to actually be able to see and feel them, There are several local stores that have these classes in my area so if there are any in your area, it is a great place to start.
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  • Thank you ladies!!  All great suggestions - and glad to know I'm not the only diaper virgin here!
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