Baby Names

nicknames are LAME!

I don't understand why people name their kid something then NEVER call them by that name!!!!

ex: Jackson.....yet the parents NEVER call him Jackson-only Jack.

ex: Gabrielle...yet the parents NEVER call her Gabrielle-only Gabby.


If you like the name Jack so much, name your kid Jack!!! 

I don't agree with it in the least. It's one thing if their friends have nicknames-my friends have nicknames for me....but my parents/family call me the name they named me--as they should.

I'm making a solid promise to 1) never name my kids a name that can be shortened ("Ben" "Jack" "Jen" etc) and 2) never call my kids anything BUT the name I named them.

...AND if you teach your kids that their name is, for example, Michael and ONLY call them Michael, they won't like being called Mike by I've seen with several of my friends: Michael, Jacob, Jennifer.

(you shouldn't have a " formal name" and a "nickname for kids---END OF STORY!) Plus, the best nicknames, as I know from being an athlete my whole life & in college, come from fun experiences or tendencies an aren't actually a variation of their name. 

BOOM!  :-))))

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Re: nicknames are LAME!

  • I also disagree.. my pet peeve is people who name their kids nicknames... for instance, my friend just named her daughter "Emi". Freaking give her a real name like Emily and call her "Emi". 
    DS1 : 10/2012
    Due with B/G Twins July 2015
  • imageCityBee:
    Feel better?



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  • imageVegasbb:
    I also disagree.. my pet peeve is people who name their kids nicknames... for instance, my friend just named her daughter "Emi". Freaking give her a real name like Emily and call her "Emi". 


    I agree with this!!! Give them a real name and call them that. :-) 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • You are entitled to you opinion, as is everyone else, including parents that call their children by a nn. We personally love nn's, so I'm with Joy, I 100% disagree with you.

    ETA: Your pregnancy ticker says your name is Nikki. Is it Nikki or Nicole, just curious?

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     BFP #1 5/12/12; EDD 1/20/13; Eliana Grace born 1/25/13

    BFP #2 12/11/13; EDD 8/23/14; M/C 6 weeks

    BFP #3 4/3/14; EDD 12/13/14

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  • My son's name doesn't have a shorter version or nickname, but I call him other names all the time.  Buddy, baby, burrito, sweetness....lots of things.  How dare I?!
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  • imagemj.reilly:

    ::looks around::

    I swear I have read this same rant about half a dozen times recently. I don't understand why you care so much about other people liking nicknames.

    I am just going to link, because I don't feel like typing it all out again.

    I don't understand why people like nicknames so much. Thanks for the link. :-) 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageAndreaR1983:
    My son's name doesn't have a shorter version or nickname, but I call him other names all the time.  Buddy, baby, burrito, sweetness....lots of things.  How dare I?!

    no no no...this is TOTALLY different!! I'm all about those kind of nicknames. 

    I think that's cute. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Nicknames may be lame to you but many people like them.

    For instance growing up I was C, CT, Cinderella, Magdaline(my grandfather for some reason he had a dozen different names and would often greet me with a different one each time I came over)  among the family

    Outside the family I heard, Rapunzel, Lady Elvis, Cindy Lou, and Squirrelly among a select group of friends

    All of this in addition to being regularly called by my first name. Most of the nicknames didn't bother some of them obviously grated a little at first but they were the outsider nicknames. The one combo I didn't want to hear was my full name first and middle it meant I was in trouble.

    If I have a kid I will probably have a nickname for them as well as a form of affection while never forgetting the name I gave them originally and using it as well

    Out of Curiosity did you have a bad experience with nicknames growing up?


    TTC since March of 2012
    Me: 27 Dh: 35 Testing Begins 3/5/13
    Six SA's show DH has low numbers across the board = severe MFI
    Genetic testing for me = MTHFR+, also carrier for blood clotting disorder Otherwise all else normal
    Dh's karotype= Normal!!
     Mini-IVF/ICSI - July -August 2014 - 1R,M,&F Transferred 1 Grade 1 Morula-5dt - BFFN

  • Do what you want with your own kids when you name them and don't worry about what others do with theirs. If I want to call my child by a nn I will. It's not hurting them or ruining their life. And if you really don't like it you can call the kid by it's given name even if their parents use a nn.
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  • imagemj.reilly:

    I also disagree.. my pet peeve is people who name their kids nicknames... for instance, my friend just named her daughter "Emi". Freaking give her a real name like Emily and call her "Emi". 

    I agree with this!!! Give them a real name and call them that. :-) 

    Um, way to contradict your whole OP.

    Not really...

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagebrittandjp:

    You are entitled to you opinion, as is everyone else, including parents that call their children by a nn. We personally love nn's, so I'm with Joy, I 100% disagree with you.

    ETA: Your pregnancy ticker says your name is Nikki. Is it Nikki or Nicole, just curious?

    My middle name is Nikki, I didn't want to use my first name on a public posting board. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageNThieme:

    You are entitled to you opinion, as is everyone else, including parents that call their children by a nn. We personally love nn's, so I'm with Joy, I 100% disagree with you.

    ETA: Your pregnancy ticker says your name is Nikki. Is it Nikki or Nicole, just curious?

    My middle name is Nikki, I didn't want to use my first name on a public posting board. 

    Nikki sounds like a nn to me, rather it's your first or middle name. Just sayin.

    I think this whole thread is obnoxious. Many people love nicknames, so quite frankly, while you're entitled to your opinion, you sound ridiculous.  

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     BFP #1 5/12/12; EDD 1/20/13; Eliana Grace born 1/25/13

    BFP #2 12/11/13; EDD 8/23/14; M/C 6 weeks

    BFP #3 4/3/14; EDD 12/13/14

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Say...whaaaatt?

    Glad you're all passionate about this but jeez.

    My kid's name is Ruby...she has like 16 nicknames...for a name I thought was pretty nn happens.

    It drives me nuts when people pick names based on a certain nickname...I think that's something that happens naturally and shouldn't be forced..but otherwise I think it's fun!

    I have a name that comes with about 4 nnames and a few my friends threw in. I think it's a more comfortable warm and fuzzy feeling. Ang over Angela is just more casual/fun and cozy feeling. I like that people are comfortable enough to use it, kwim?

    But I also like it at work when I have to be all tough girl and professional I have a full name that does the job.

  • I can guarantee you that you will, at some point, call your child by a NN.  It's inevitable.  We chose the name Violet, which doesn't have a very common NN, and she gets called a million different things (including variations of her name like "V" and "Vi").  It just happens.
    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • I agree with a lot of this but people can do what ever they want. My dad's name is Michael and that's what everyone calls him. I even have a family member named Jenny, Jenny is on her birth Certificate.

    I recently had a son we named Clifton and he really doesn't look like his name so we're calling him Cliff. I dislike NN's and only intended to call him Clifton. 

    I don't see the reason to get so upset about it though... 

    Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
    Blog    Names
  • DS1's name is Jackson; we call him Jackson 75% of the time. But I ADORE his given nn of Jax. it makes him stand out (a little anyway) from the pack. I have no control over what he'll be called as he grows up. That's up to him. So, to combat your OP, I think that nicknames ROCK!
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  • I hate nicknames for MY child, but I couldn't care less if the rest of the world loves them for their child.

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  • I don't care if the rest of the world likes nicknames...

    but what I guess I SHOULD HAVE said was I don't like when people ask me what names I'm considering and then they say "so what are you going to call him/her?" it's like uhhh I just told you his/her name, THAT'S what I'm going to call him/her! haha

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Yeah, you really sound ridiculous. I hope it didn't take you very long to write all of that...because it really was a waste of time.



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  • imagerentaduckie:

    I LOVE having a nickname and a formal name.  (And it's never stopped my friends from giving me other nicknames from our fun experiences.) 

    This is ridiculous. Nicknames are awesome. You can call you child only by their given name if you want, but there's no need to insult those of us who have nicknames and love them. Gabby will thank he parents someday when she can switch to Gabrielle on her resume. Or use it on her wedding invitations when she wants a formal, black tie wedding.  


    Agree 100%. My daughter's name is Lillian. We call her Lilly. I do not think her name or NN is lame. I am proud of our decision and I know she will be too.

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  • I guess I should be ashamed! If this baby is a boy he will be Andrew, nn Drew. I have loved both names since high school, and although I do want to call him Drew, DH and I agree on giving him the more formal name Andrew. I honestly can't see why you would care. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagemj.reilly:

    ::looks around::

    I swear I have read this same rant about half a dozen times recently. I don't understand why you care so much about other people liking nicknames.

    I am just going to link, because I don't feel like typing it all out again.


    Yes, MJ, this was posted very recently. I know because I just barely returned to this board since BFP and have already answered this nonsense once.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I never understood the point of naming your child something & then purposefully calling them something else.  I can understand if your child is named Michael & it gradually turns into Mike or something.  But, why name your child a name you're never going to use anyway?  Doesn't make sense to me.  But, this is my opinion of course. :)   

    It's none of my business what other parents do. 

  • Oh, FFS. 

    I managed the switch from Jessie as a little girl to Jessica as an adult just fine, and am certainly glad that I have a formal name I can fall back on formal occasions or in professional settings. I also am glad that I have a nickname that is used by the people nearest and dearest to me, who have been in my life since I was a teeny little girl.


  • You're really ..... intense.
    the bug & bee blog
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  • Ok.  I guess I fall into your pet peeve because my daughter is called Kate 90% of the time but her full name is Katherine.

    I have always loved both Kate and Katherine.  I wanted to give her options because, contrary to what I think many people comprehend, it is HER name.  Not mine.  So she has a very versatile name with a number of great nicknames (Kate, Kat, Katie, etc).  Her name can grow and change with her.

    Our children will inevitably decide what they want to be call.  You could have a nick-name proof name and then they might decide to go by a nickname of their middle name when they get older.  Who knows.  All I know was that "Kate" as a stand alone name (or Abby or Gabbi or Emmy) are incomplete and very childish.  You are naming a human who will spend most of their life as an adult - not a 3 year old.  Nicknames help to bridge the gap between babyhood and adulthood.

    Married 6/28/03

    Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10

    4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014


    No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.

    "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens


  • Max and I think you are quite ridiculous.
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  • You are wrong about calling your child by their full name and they will prefer it.  My mother was determined that I wouldn't have any nicknames and be called only by my full name.  I on the other hand loved all the nicknames that my friends gave me and there were/are tons.
  • I have to disagree with you. My name is Jennifer. My parents named me that intending to call me Jenny. Now that I am an adult, I HATE being called Jenny and I now going by Jennifer. At least I had the option of using Jennifer instead of having to legally change my name.
    The waste in life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used and the selfish prudence that will risk nothing; and which shirking pain, misses happiness as well. Mary Cholmondeley
  • I felt similarly (though I wasn't nearly as "passionate" about it...) until I wanted to name my daughter Nora but DH felt strongly about giving her the given name Elinor after his grandmother. We knew we were going to call her Nora, but he really wanted to honor his grandmother, so I compromised.

    I don't see why your knickers are in a knot over other people's names.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  •  Hmm

    [spoiler] My Blog: Grow Baby Grow

    BFP #1: 12/2009 m/c 1/2010 BFP #2: 6/2010 m/c 8/2010

    BFP #3: 10/2011 ectopic 11/2011 (right tube removed, learned left tube was probably nonfunctional due to scar tissue from infection after m/c)

    3 failed IUIs, IVF #1: 18R, 12M, 10F, 3 poor quality 5d embryos transferred= BFP #4!!!!!

    Betas: 9dp5dt: 64 ~14dp5dt: 91 (expecting miscarriage, doubling time of 236 hours) ~16dp5dt: 200~18dp5dt: 500

    First Ultrasound at 6w2d revealed two sacs, only one with a heartbeat

    LK arrived after 42 weeks on August 14, 2013! Beautiful, healthy, and happy!

    TTC#2: IVF booked for April 2015

    Surprise BFP#5 February 19, 2015 EDD: November 2, 2015

    Betas: 10dpo: 10, 14dpo: 77, 17dpo: 270

    First Ultrasound at 5w1d showed a miracle UTE baby! And right ovary ovulation to left fallopian tube.

    JD arrived at 38 weeks on October 20, 2015.

    TTC #3: Since October 2017. BFP #6 July 2, 2018 EDD: March 16, 2019 [/spoiler]

  • This post is LAME!
    Mary Jane {12} Kaden {10} Eliza {4} Due Sept. '14

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    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
  • While I'm not a huge fan of nn's either, you're blowing it way out of proportion.

    Relax a little...okay, relax a lot.

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  • I love nicknames. Some people with nicknames like having a formal name to fall on. 
    Dx PCOS 09/12
    Married my best friend 10/12/12
    TTC 1 since 10/12
    NTNP Fall 2013 to focus on a healthier lifestyle

  • I think ncknaming is fine. What I think is silly is when parents use a give name that they don't like just because it's the proper name but won't use it because they hate it. For example if you love "Ben" but hate "Benjamin" but name your child Benjamin because it's proper. Use the name you love and the nicknames that you love. Both my kids have nicknames for first names because I don't like the longer versions and would never have used them. 
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  • I'm so glad you're not running for office...
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  • So i guess that makes me lame becuase my name is Katherine and i got by Kat always have through out high school, ALL of my sisters call me Kitty. Nick names are something that give you character and can make you. With taht being set my DS has a very short name and so we had to come up with other nick names for him. He is my lil monkey man, and his daddy's bubba. I am understand that you dont like nicknames but i love my nickname and i actually think it fits me better then my full name does. It gives me character and makes me who i am. Yes i do get funny looks 'Your mom named you Kat." No my mom named me Katherine and i choose to go by Kat. Even everyone in my family calls me Kat including my mom, and my husband. So you are entitled to your opinions but so is everyone else, and waht they do could potentially take a very popular name and come up wtih a very differnt nick name and now their very popular child's name is very very unique and special to that child. Just a thought you PROBABLY didnt think about.
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  • I think OP is just trolling for attention.
  • I hate nicknames, too (well, mainly posters who INSIST on finding a nickname for a name that doesn't even have one: "ZOMG! What will we call her?! Are there any nicknames for Claire?!"). I love full names and prefer them by far. When I worked in college admissions, it was a real PITA entering data fields and never knowing if Libby was really Libby, or Elizabeth (even more confusing if they, say, used their nickname on an information card, but their full name in an online questionnaire. Suddenly there's two of them in the system).

    But dude, who the hell cares what other people call their kids? As long as it's a sensible name, what impact does it have on you personally?

    Besides, as much as I like the "name 'em what you'll call 'em" philosphy, even I have to admit that some nicknames just aren't suitable as full names. Jack and Kate work fine as full names, but Gigi and Trixie? FFS, name the kid Genevieve and Beatrix so she doesn't end up on a pole.

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