Hi All...You may remember we had a TTTS scare that landed me on bed-rest. We did another growth scan this past Monday and found that Baby B is falling further behind (abdominal measurement shows 22 days behind gestational age; when we first noticed growth disparity, she was only 12 days behind), and we have a 50% disparity is their size (9 oz & 4 oz, estimated).
Sacks are staying within acceptable limits (they evened out within days of starting bed-rest and high protein diet), so the MFM is leaning away from TTTS but isn't sure what is wrong. We did an amniocentesis on Tuesday (that frickin' sucked!). I saw my OB on Wednesday. Went in Thursday & Friday to be checked by MFM because I was leaking amniotic fluid (complication from amniocentesis). So...at the doctor's office every day this past week.
I'm seeing a TTTS (plus other scary prenatal baby problems) doctor on Monday. I know a few are local to Houston (or came to Houston for specialized care). Did anyone see Dr. Anthony Johnson, or the other doctors in the Texas Fetal Center? If so, can you give me an idea what to expect at our first appointment?
Re: Adventures continue...
My coworker's ID twins always had growth discrepancies (not as great as yours, though) even though their fluid levels were always fine. The doctors were convinced something was wrong with the smaller baby, but alas, he came out perfectly healthy, just a pound and a half smaller than his brother. And they'll be one next month.
I truly hope your situation mirrors theirs. You and your babies are in my thoughts.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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