My landlord told us yesterday she was pregnant. She was clearly not going to tell us and only did because we asked her about a back injury she had and needs surgery for (obviously postponed now). This is what she said...
"I can't get the surgery because I'm pregnant. It's been really hard. We never wanted this and we were taking preventative measures, but I guess they don't always work. I'm forty. I didn't want to be pregnant now." (insert our comforting words, congratulations, and due date questions) "I'm due in August. Everything's been fine so far. But we'll see what happens."
WHAT?!?! First, I realize that being pregnant is not the most pleasant thing in the first trimester, but consider who you're talking to. It's been really hard? Being pregnant was a walk in the park compared to what we've been through in the last four months. You never wanted it? You were taking preventative measures? You "GUESS" they don't always work? For crying out loud, you're 40! You should know how birth control and condoms work by now! You should know that nothing is 100%! And you'll see what happens? Umm, I'm pretty sure you're going to grow a baby now, and hopefully, deliver him or her safely and in good health! At first I thought she didn't tell us right away because she would have found out close to our loss, but from what she said now I think it was because she was embarrassed that she got pregnant without meaning to. I found this conversation so insensitive. How can you talk so negatively about your own pregnancy when you know the people you're talking to want nothing more than a healthy child? I've always gotten along great with our landlord, but now I am happier than ever that we're moving out this month! I don't want to see her belly grow and listen to her gripes about pregnancy when she has made very clear that she is quite unhappy with this turn of events. What I wouldn't give to be in her shoes.
Sorry... vent over.
Re: my landlord is pregnant (a little long...)
Your landlord and my cleaning lady should become friends!
I'm starting to people think that if they complain about their pregnancy, then is easier for us than if they act happy about it? Or am I giving people too much credit?
My friends with kids have started complaining about their kids to me a how they have to listen to the Disney station on the radio in the car and they haven't been out to a bar in 4 months. Maybe they think we will feel "lucky" that we don't have to deal with these pregnancy and kid problems?
I am sorry she was so insensitive. People are stupid