I have intended to use cloth diapers with my daughter since before she was born; the ones we purchased/were given were unfortunately too large for her at birth, but as of today we have switched! I have 12 Clotheez diapers from greenmountaindiaperco, and 10 Gerber prefolds. We also have two covers, one from greenmountain and one Thirsties cover.
I am pretty sure already that we need a few more covers; I'm already intending to wash her diapers every day, but I want more covers in case she leaks on more than one in a day.
So Charlie Banana is now available at my local Target, and when looking at their stuff initially, I felt that they were covers and not actual diapers, but now I am not so sure. Does anybody know if they're just diapers, or would they work with the diapers I already have? Would I be better off just ordering more Thirsties covers?
Re: Charlie Banana at my local target... help?
Charlie Banana's are a pocket diaper. They're not just a cover. They make disposable liners for them, or microfiber/bamboo/hemp inserts that you can stick inside the pocket to add extra absorbtion.
It depends on how big of a variety you would like to have in your stash. Prefolds and covers are definitely the cheapest route to go - but pockets and AIO's are super, super easy to use and very daddy/babysitter friendly.
Just a heads up - Gerber prefolds are crap. Great burp clothes, crappy diapers.
Charlies are pockets - but you can stuff a pocket with a prefold. If you are looking to get them right away, they aren't a bad way to go.
And have I mentioned how insanely jealous I am your Target stocks them?!
i bought one and had it a week, i didnt get it target though and i love it, its a great pocket and you can stuff your prefolds in them as well.
keep and eye out cuz CB sells OS and Sized diapers.
im jealous your target has them too ours dont yet
BFP 11/23/10 MMC @ 7w3d Discovered @ 10w2d D&C 1/12/11
BFP 7/6/11 Our Lucky Charm born 3/5/12
They sold FAST at my local store. They had a the swim diapers too and they went even faster. They still have some pieces but they got picked over in less than a week and havent been restocked.