There is more the story. I was 34 weeks and had pre-e. 48 hour induction 3 different ways... I never made any progress and opted for the c/s...
This time I am hoping for a vbac. I was checked yesterday at almost 31 weeks and everything is closed (which is good) but got me thinking.
Did anyone have this issue the first time and do something different the second time around to help their body out?
If this does not make sense let me know!
Re: No dilation last time...
I think your lack of dilation can be totally blamed on being 34 only weeks. If your body/baby is not ready, it's not ready. Induction drugs can only do so much.
I didn't dilate on my own prior to induction, but my induction did work. This time I'm starting early to increase my chances. I've started going to the chiropractor to get everything all lined up and create a roomy pelvis. I plan to drink RRL tea, have lots of sex and start induction accupuncture at 39 weeks. I'll chew raw jalapenos and pineapple, sleep sitting up, bounce on a ball, walk for miles.....whatever it takes.
I'm sure it had a lot to do with having to be induced so early. Your body/baby just weren't ready.
I also had dilation issues last time--my cervix was dilating on the outer os but the inner os was staying closed. I'm not sure yet what I am going to try differently this time other than laboring upright more--I spent a lot of time lying down through contractions last time. I'm going to bounce on the exercise ball a lot, walk around, squat, pelvic tilts. Some women at ICAN have also recommended chiropractor or cranio-sacral work too, but I haven't really researched it yet.
I agree with the others. Induction or not, pre-e or not, your body was trying to keep your little one in, as it should be at 34 weeks. I don't think it will have any bearing on this pregnancy.
That being said, taking evening primrose oil orally and/or vaginally at the end of your pregnancy can soften the cervix and encourage dilation.