Cloth Diapering

What do you use for day outings?

Cloth newbie here and had someone ask me today about how I would handle CD while out for the day at, say the zoo. 

I figure that I will rinse if needed in the bathroom and stash in a bag.  How exactly do you plan for these types of things, and not have to smell the stinky poo all day? Thanks ladies!

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Re: What do you use for day outings?

  • I have 2 wet bags that I can store CD's in all day and not smell them.  I don't have to swish the CD's yet - I don't think you have to do that until baby eats solids. 

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  • Wet bag. I just put it in my wet bag (I have ones like this and this) and deal with it at home. They contain the smell fine. I don't rinse in public washrooms; that waits for when we're home.
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  • I agree with pp that all you need is a wet bag. Not sure about formula poops, but ebf poop doesn't smell that bad, just kind of sweet. I have gone out for half a day and I just stick the dirty diaper in my wetbag. NBD.
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  • I just store them in my wet bag, which goes in my diaper bag.
  • Wetbag. I also have flushable liners that catch the solid parts of poo, not too much since I EBF, but you just take the liner out and flush it and then put diaper in the wetbag. No problems so far!
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  • When A was a newborn we did prefolds/covers @ home since we changed him so often. When we were going on outings I would usually use our pockets or all-in-ones so that he wouldn't feel the wetness as easily and could last a little longer until I could change him.  Like pp say, just putting diapers in the wetbag until laundry day.  If you do want to rinse them (poop ones) for stain reasons I would wait until you are home though.  They won't stink if you are using a good wetbag.  Now since A's poop is rather stinky thanks to solids I will plop it into the toilet if it is available, but since we frequently change diapers in the back of our car I usually double bag in one of the doggie poop bags and then into the wetbag so I know which ones are poop filled to rinse/clean when I get home. 
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