Hi ladies! First time poster on this board--I didn't know it existed until a friend told me about it. I was an active Knottie/Nestie years ago, but haven't been back in awhile.
I had a C-section with my daughter 2 1/2 years ago because she was breech. I dilated to about 2 cm with her and was contracting fairly regularly when I went in for my CS at 39w2d according to the monitors--I had no idea. This time around I have a head down little boy and am wanting to attempt a VBAC.
When I went in for my 37 week appointment, though, my doctor said that my cervix was still very firm, high, and closed. She also found that the baby's head is in the 99.5 percentile (which is consistent with my DD) via an ultrasound and that he's sunny side up. I went to my 38 week appointment (on Tuesday at 38.5 weeks) and she said that while my cervix is beginning to soften, it's "closed up tight".
I'm really debating how long to wait to see if I have any progress. I'm really struggling with knowing whether my body can even do this. I have another appointment next Tuesday (39.5 weeks) and she's put a RCS on the books for next Friday (one day before my due date). My doctor isn't pushing me any one way at all--she says she's willing to let me go for another week and that we can reschedule the RCS.
The problem is, I'm in a lot of pain whenever I move my lower body. On top of that, when we scheduled the RCS I realized how convenient it would be to know when this baby is coming so that our family can plan when they'll be here and we can plan what we'll do with DD (closest family is an hour away). My doctor seems pessimistic about my possibility of getting a VBAC and I'm honestly really nervous about the prospect of laboring and still having to have a RCS.
Any words of wisdom? How do you know when to go ahead with the RCS or when to wait to see if your body will go into labor on its own? Since I haven't even dilated, a membrane sweep isn't an option (as far as everything I've read). I've been walking and sitting on an exercise ball at work as much as I can handle to try to get things going, but just haven't had any luck.
Re: No progress?
I personally would want more time, but that's up to you. Unfortunately, there are no crystal balls. Being closed up tight at 37 or 38 weeks doesn't tell you anything. You could be fully dilated by breakfast tomorrow.....or 2 weeks from now, you just don't know. I decline all progress checks, because I can't see any possible benefit to them.
You might want to look at https://spinningbabies.com/ for suggestions on moving baby into a better position.
Also, I plan to employ all sorts of natural induction techniques - nipple stim, accupuncture, etc. It's up to you what lengths you want to go to.
Since you were breech last time, you don't know what your body is capable of. Which makes you a pretty good VBAC candidate - even with a big head circumference. But, again, it's up to you.
Good Luck with your decision!
Having no progress at 37/38 weeks is totally normal. It's still pretty early. And, you can go from 0-100% effaced and/or 0-10cm really fast, or really slow.
My labor started abruptly and I was at 5cm in as many hours (DD was breech also). But a lot of people take longer than that, and some people get lucky and only have to labor a few hours total.
Just keep doing what your doing. Walking is good, and try having sex.
You can also do other types of natural induction methods like RRL tea and what not. But really, it's too early to stress about whether you'll go into labor on your own yet.
My midwife said absolutely NO nipple stimulation being a vbac. She said unlike Pitocin - which they can turn off, nipple stim will bring on hard contractions and once they start, they can't stop them since it's your body. She said sex, and she did sweep my membranes.
DS - 7.2006 - C-Section b/c Breech
DS2 - 4.2008 - Successful Vbac
DD - 5.2012 - Successful Vbac
No nipple stimulation, really? I find that so odd because your body creates the same hormones as with sex. The day I went into labor we had sex, with lots of nipple stimulation (max of 1/2 an hour). The contractions weren't that "hard" (and what's the problem with natural hard contractions?), a cake walk compared to pitocin contractions! It's not like you're going to do continual nipple stimulation until your baby comes out, so I really don't see your midwife's logic there.
I second spinngingbabies.com, I used one of their techniques during my stalled labor (baby's chin wasn't tucked).
She said that the nipple stimulation causes hard fast contractions, and unlike pitocin you can't turn it off. She said sex is fine, and she did strip my membranes.
For PP - I have been 1cm, 0% effaced, and thick since 36 weeks. I told her I will go to 40.5/close to 41 as long as they are making sure baby is ok via nst's etc.
DS - 7.2006 - C-Section b/c Breech
DS2 - 4.2008 - Successful Vbac
DD - 5.2012 - Successful Vbac
Thanks, ladies! I checked out spinningbabies.com (I'd forgotten about that site--I used it last time when trying to turn my breech baby) and tried a few of the things that I found there. Baby is now laying on his side, so I'm not sure what that means...
I went for my 39 week check (39w3d) and the doctor said my cervix is really soft and I'm dilated to 1 cm. Still 0% effaced and long, though. She swept my membranes, which caused some cramping, but that seems to have tapered off some.
We cancelled the RCS that was scheduled for this coming Friday and will go back in for a check that morning instead to see how things are progressing. In the meantime we'll be trying sex, spicy foods, and more walking (I've been walking A LOT recently).