So, I teach math at college; given everyone's conversation about declining English skills, I thought you might enjoy the comment I received on one of my course evaluations: There needs to be more going over what we did in high school because we cant just jump into college and be expected to understand
Re: Follow-up on Grammar
Funny, but sad.
At least he/she used the proper form of "there."
I'm usually a lurker, but felt the need to chime in...This person would really hate me because I'd expect him/her to not only remember HS grammar but grade school as well!
I remember my HS French class had a bunch of kids struggling with the concept of direct objects and where, exactly, they get placed in a sentence (in French). As the teacher explained it for the umpteenth time, I realized that a majority of the kids weren't getting it because they didn't really understand what a direct object was in English. If they didn't understand it in their native language, how on earth would they grasp it related to a foreign one?!
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post it on the door and see who complains? (see - I told you I'd make a really bad teacher...No way I'd make it through the first year without getting fired and making the news)