
Update and Thank you

I really appreciate everyone's response's to my post below about delivering at 34 weeks.  I alternated between crying and being hopeful reading about everyone's twins.

I had another scary night of high BPs and was almost delivered.  It has come down with medication again, but its not ideal.  The OB is consulting the MFM group (again) to see what their thoughts are about how long to keep me pregnant. I'm still hoping I can hang on until Monday (34 weeks). 

I know I don't post a lot here, but I lurk and have read the board almost every night over the course of this pregnancy.  You ladies are a great source of inspiration and guidance.  Its been hard to take off my "i'm in medicine, I should know this stuff" hat and put on " I'm a patient and soon to be mom of twins" hat.  

Thank you for all you have done so far.  It truly means a lot, and has brought me so much comfort. 

Snoangel- I was glad to see your babies are home with you now and doing well! I am at the same hospital you delivered at, and hope for the same outcome :)

Re: Update and Thank you

  • Thinking good thoughts for you and the babies!
  • It sounds like you and the babies are in great hands.  Good thoughts are coming your way!
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  • Good luck and I hope your babies do well!
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  • I didn't see your post below, but I wanted to tell you my boys were born at 34.5 wks.  My water broke, so they did a c-section.  Baby A came out crying, but they couldn't get baby B breathing.  They had to code him and intubate him.  He was intubated for 2 days, the on CPAP for 2, then he was fine.  They were in the NICU for 17 days, and then came home at the same time.  They are 18 months old now, and you would never know there was a problem.  They are running and laughing and eating us out of house and home.  I remember how scared I was in the beginning, but they are absolutely perfect now.

    Good luck to you and your babies!

    Clomid x 2 cycles ..... BFN. 6/08 Gonal F with TI- BFN. 7/08 Gonal F #2 - IUI 7/11, BFN. 9/22/08 IUI #2 and Accupuncture - Chemical Pregnancy. 11/08 IUI #3 with accupuncture - BFN. 12/08 IUI #4 BFN. 5/09 IVF #1 ER 7/6/09, ET 7/9/09 - BFN. FET 12/18/09 - BFN IVF #2 -ER 3/6, ET 3/9, OMG - BFP!!! Beta #1 3/22 -332, Beta #2 3/24 - 701, Beta #3 - 14,889 - 1st u/s - TWINS!! SAIF ALWAYS WELCOME!!! ***Why can't 88 million sperm and 3 eggs find each other in an organ the size of a pear??*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins--not through strength but by perseverance. - H. Jackson Brown
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