Pre-School and Daycare

almost 3 yr old having nightmares/potential imaginary friend?

DS will be 3 in june...

the last week or so he has been talking about 'a guy' he sees.  the daycare lady said he told other kids they couldn't sit in a particular chair because 'the guy' was sitting there.  if he had an imaginary friend i wouldn't mind too much--apparently it can mean the child is very intelligent, so i'd take it! however....sometimes he is seeming scared of 'the guy' and he's been waking in the night crying for me from nightmares.  one time he said the guy was in his bed and he couldn't sleep, then last night i just heard him toss and turn and yell out 'a guy!!!'

WTF is this??? it's freaking me out and it's making me sooooo sad my little guy is scared :(


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Re: almost 3 yr old having nightmares/potential imaginary friend?

  • Have you tried to get him to talk more about the guy - what the guy looks like, what is he doing at different times of day - things like that.  Hopefully it is just a 3 year old imgaination doing normal 3 year old things but I would see what you can get him to tell you in more detail or maybe ask his teacher to talk to him about it more.  Imaginary friends is really normal so it could be nothing.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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