Baby Names

PlayZone today....Twin boys

Camden and Hampton

It was very hard to keep a straight face!

Re: PlayZone today....Twin boys

  • Sooo one is a dumpy town in Jersey and one is a ritzy celeb beach haunt? Some people just shouldn't be parents. Oh, and what are they going to call them, Cam and Ham??
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  • It is hard coming up with multiple names, and even harder trying to think of every possible neg. about the names you picked...but sounds like they didn't even try, poor kids.
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  • ah625ah625 member
    Hampton?? Like after the pig from Tiny Tunes?! 
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  • imagekelnyc:
    Sooo one is a dumpy town in Jersey and one is a ritzy celeb beach haunt? Some people just shouldn't be parents. Oh, and what are they going to call them, Cam and Ham??

    Ok.. I just snorted!!

    seriuslly, awful names

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  • I grew up going to school with a Hampton so I don't have strong negative feelings towards it but I guess it's a little snooty. Camden sucks.
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