
Yet another Disney Question - BBB

What time would you do BBB if you are doing Cinderella's Royal Table for dinner?  Would you go and get the girls all made up (hair/make-up) 1st thing in the morning so they can have it for the whole day although then it cuts out swimming that afternoon or would you go after lunch/rest time/swim time at say 3ish so you would have some time after the BBB to take pics at the park and then head into dinner. 


If all goes well when we do our reservations this weekend, we will get the CRT on our 2nd of 3rd nights so the girls will still have the whole next day to keep their hair all done up if they wish.

Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 

Re: Yet another Disney Question - BBB

  • If it were me, I'd have it done later (close to 3 is probably a good idea).  My DD had a great time, but about 2 hours later wanted to have her hair taken out because it was hurting her head. :)  I don't regret paying for the experience one bit, but planning to have them done up all day might be a stretch if your daughters are anything like mine.
  • We always do it first thing in the morning to avoid any potential back ups that start to occur during the day.  I had friends wait 45 mins after their 4:30pm or so appt. time.  The hairdo lasts overnight, so I wouldn't worry about it during the day.  Yes, you probably wouldn't want to go to the pool, but otherwise, it has serious staying power!  DD always keeps her hair up for the day after it was done.
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  • We did dd's at 10am but we didnt do Cinderella's Round Table.  Instead we went to 1900 Park Fare at the Grand Floridian.  It was a buffet and it was Cinderella, The Step-Mother, the 2 evil step sisters AND Prince Charming.  I've heard that 1900 Park Fare was worth it...much more than the 2 dining credits the Round Table cost.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • Personally I would skip the BBB.  It is overpriced and IMO the girls come out looking weird- like princess versions of 'toddlers and tiaras'.  If it is hot all the goo, glitter & hair spray ends up sweating into their face. It was WAY out of my comfort zone to put that much makeup/hairspray on a little girl. My DD just wore her Belle dress to the Princess breakfast and had a wonderful time.

    Just my two cents, I better go put on my flame suit...;)

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • We had ours done in Downtown Disney. It took about 2 hours. The hair do lasted for a couple of days. He doesn't get her face/head wet in the pool, so it wasn't an issue for us.

    We got ours done in the afternoon. it worked out well for us, because she was able to rest and relax during the makeover. 

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • We just went in the first of March. We had DD appointment at 130, by like 4 it was all down anyway because she took it all out. I also don't think it would stay up overnight. DD had fun and it was so cute, but over 200 later for the whole costume and hair for her to take it all off after only a short time was a bit of a bummer.
  • CRT you get a picture taken with Cinderella included in the price and then snow white, little mermaid, sleeping beauty and belle come to your table for pics and autographs.

  • 2Gma2Gma member
    Personally I would skip the BBB.  It is overpriced and IMO the girls come out looking weird- like princess versions of 'toddlers and tiaras'.  If it is hot all the goo, glitter & hair spray ends up sweating into their face. It was WAY out of my comfort zone to put that much makeup/hairspray on a little girl. My DD just wore her Belle dress to the Princess breakfast and had a wonderful time.

    Just my two cents, I better go put on my flame suit...;)

    Agree.  We went last fall and I decided against doing it for the same reasons.  I preferred my girls looking more like themselves in their princess dresses/tutus/tiaras we brought from home. Plus I didn't want to waste time and $$$ with an appt when there was so many other things to see and enjoy.

    DD#1 5 years DD#2 3 years
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