Baby Names

my family hates the name...

Nola.  is it really that bad?

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Re: my family hates the name...

  • I love Nola!! If you like it, go for it! It's a cute name.

  • I think it sounds kind of nice, but it's short for New Orleans, which bugs me. I would never use it.
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  • ....And that is why a lot of people don't tell their families the name of the baby until it is officially her name. I like the name, but even if I didn't like it I would still encourage you to use it because YOU and (I'm assuming) the babies dad decided on the name.

    If you love it, use it. No name will EVER be perfect for everyone.

  • I like Nora(h) better, but I could be ok with Nola.  NMS though.  If you love it, use it.
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  • I think Nola is cute and very unique!  It is what my DS calls a granola bar though.  :)  I also really love Nora.  Everyone is going to have an opinion on the name, so you just have to go with what you love.  Everyone else will come around.  
  • It makes me think of the Enola Gay.  Not a good association in my mind.

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  • imagebroomy:
    I think it sounds kind of nice, but it's short for New Orleans, which bugs me. I would never use it.

    This exactly.

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  • imageBeeKayy21:

    ....And that is why a lot of people don't tell their families the name of the baby until it is officially her name. I like the name, but even if I didn't like it I would still encourage you to use it because YOU and (I'm assuming) the babies dad decided on the name.

    If you love it, use it. No name will EVER be perfect for everyone.

    I totally agree!!! Yes I'm sure some people will not like the names me and my H have chosen, but we love them so thats all that matters. If you and your H are happy with the name, then go for it. Others will always have their own suggestions on whats better.

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  • The New Orleans thing.  Or like it should be Nala.
  • I used to work with a Nola.  She was fantastic.  I think it's a great name!

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  • I agree with your family. Sorry!

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  • I do not like that either.

    But if you were my sister or someone, I would never say that to anyone IRL or to your face if that was your baby name. Once I met my neice, I am sure I would learn to love it. 

  • Not a fan, it's like you put my two least favorite names together, Nora and Ella Ick!
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  • I think it's nice.  It's pretty rare now.  I knew a Southern girl named Nola.
  • As in New Orleans??  NMS but if you love it you should use it as I am just an internet stranger. 

    However, this is exactly why we don't share names with our families before the baby is born.  No matter what you name your LO, your family will like it more once it is attached to a beautiful little baby :)

  • Yes, to me it is not a good name.  It just reminds me of New Orleans, LA
  • I don't like it either
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  • I don't like the New Orleans connection but do think it's pretty aside from that.

    I think it would be a sweet nn for Magnolia. 

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  • I feel neutral about it, but I do definitely think of New Orleans.
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  • I'd definitely think "New Orleans" every time I heard it.
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  • NMS, but if you like it...go with it.  Once the baby is here, I don't think your family will care that much about the name anyways.

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  • Love Nola!
    I have heard it before used as a pet name [term of endearment, not an actual animal] and just assumed it was an Irish/Scottish variant of 'sweetie', etc.

    I think its very cute!
    If your family doesn't like it, they can go suck eggs! ;)

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  • imageBeeKayy21:

    ....And that is why a lot of people don't tell their families the name of the baby until it is officially her name. I like the name, but even if I didn't like it I would still encourage you to use it because YOU and (I'm assuming) the babies dad decided on the name.

    If you love it, use it. No name will EVER be perfect for everyone.

    All this. Yes

    ETA: I'd never heard of the New Orleans connection before.

  • It's more of a nn to me, but I like it. I do think of New Orleans, but eh... that doesn't really bug me either.

    As for your family not liking the name?it's not their kid. I made the mistake of telling some of my family a few of our name ideas and they weren't what I would call enthusiastic. It bugged me for about a day or two and then I snapped out of it. Be confident in your name if you love it. They'll come around.

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  • It is a fresh change from the over used Nora
  • I would assume you have some sort of New Orleans connection. I often call it NOLA because I am too lazy to say N'awlins. :)


  • I really like Nola, especially as nickname for Magnolia!  
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  • bahah thanks guys I actually got a good laugh from the replies. It's not a set name, I just wanted opinions from ppl who don't know me cause when I ask friends they say what they think I wanna hear. It's actually not having to do with New Orleans at all, since I'm canadian but now that you guys say it, I can kinda see it.
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  • I don't care for it, sorry.
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  • Love it!  I gave it to my cat in 2003 and never heard of it as a shortened form of New Orleans until after Hurricane Katrina.  I'm surprised it's so fresh in everyone's minds.  I live a few hours outside of Washington DC.  We call the northern VA metropolitan area NOVA, which is also a legit name but I wouldn't immediately think of it.  Come on, if people all over the place can name their kids Brooklyn, London and Paris and people don't harp all over those actual city names than I think people need to get over this association.

    Also, my cat's full name is Finnoula, so that's an option.

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  • imageshaw.heather2:
    bahah thanks guys I actually got a good laugh from the replies. It's not a set name, I just wanted opinions from ppl who don't know me cause when I ask friends they say what they think I wanna hear. It's actually not having to do with New Orleans at all, since I'm canadian but now that you guys say it, I can kinda see it.

    I don't make the connection and most people here won't. I grew up with a Nola, and will always have positive associations because of her.

  • I like the name Nola. It would be on my list but I am from Louisiana so it's a little too close to home. I've actually written NO, LA on a letter. 

    I do think it sounds more like a nn though and would suggest a fn like Finnola.  

    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • Love it, it was our top girl name forever until we had a Nolan ! 

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • I don't like it either. But your family needs to realize that it's your baby and they shouldn't give you a hard time about your decision.
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  • I think it's adorable so no I don't think it's bad at all!
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  • I love it!  When my BIL named his first daughter Willow the whole family hated it, but they love it now, because they love her. 
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