
Sleepless in LA....

HELP!!!  My b/g twins are 5 weeks today.  They have been great lil sleepers,  feeding every 3 hours ending @ 9pm, then waking up at 2am & 6am.  The past 3 nights have been horrible!!!  One wakes up and then the other wanting to be held, i hate doing it, but if I put them in bed with us they sleep like champs again.  I try to follow the eat/play/sleep - my DS will "play" for a lil while, but my DD wants to just fall back asleep.  Anyone have any advice on getting our nights back on track??  They are sleeping together in a pnp in our room @ night & in bounce seats/RNP during the day.  PLEASE help!!

Re: Sleepless in LA....

  • be consistent and don't bring them into your bed just to get them back to sleep! You'll be stuck doing this. Start to give them a few minutes before going to them every time they cry. Give it 5min, maybe 10 if they're just fussing at first. This will start to teach them to calm themselves and know that you won't come jumping in right away. They can wake slightly between sleep cycles and cry out/fuss a bit so you need to let them fall back asleep on their own. When mine were in the PnP in our room and still eating at night we would keep it very, very calm, quiet and dark, just up to eat and straight back down to sleep. And we'd let them fuss a bit until we knew they were really awake and wanted to eat. This got them sttn by 3 months. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    after 10 weeks of bedrest for contractions and shorting cvx they arrived at 32 weeks!
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