HELP!!! My b/g twins are 5 weeks today. They have been great lil sleepers, feeding every 3 hours ending @ 9pm, then waking up at 2am & 6am. The past 3 nights have been horrible!!! One wakes up and then the other wanting to be held, i hate doing it, but if I put them in bed with us they sleep like champs again. I try to follow the eat/play/sleep - my DS will "play" for a lil while, but my DD wants to just fall back asleep. Anyone have any advice on getting our nights back on track?? They are sleeping together in a pnp in our room @ night & in bounce seats/RNP during the day. PLEASE help!!
Re: Sleepless in LA....
after 10 weeks of bedrest for contractions and shorting cvx they arrived at 32 weeks!