Natural Birth

education on the birthing process

I'm signed up for some classes but not until June, in the mean time my DH and I want to learn as much as we can about the entire process from getting my first contraction to whatever happens after I give birth.  I don't want to become paranoid so I'm not looking for any sort of techniques on how to get through it or anything like that, I just want to know what happens.  Does anyone know of some good websites or books that can give us the info we should have?
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Re: education on the birthing process

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    Not sure how technical you want to get but I really liked the sections in both Ina Mae's Guide to Childbirth and Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way that explained what happens during labor and birth.  Both of those books contain a lot of additional stuff that may or may not be useful to you depending on how crunchy you're willing to go.  But, if you stick to the stuff about the actual physiological aspects of the birth process they should provide a good start on the information you're looking for.

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    Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongnan has been the most helpful book I've read this pregnancy :) also watch the business of being born and pregnant in America 
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    Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongnan has been the most helpful book I've read this pregnancy :) also watch the business of being born and pregnant in America 

     Yes yes, very helpful.

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    All those books are great, but to get a good idea of not only pregnancy development, but also the stages of delivery, I really like the movie "In the Womb" by National Geographic (2005).  I think you could get it from your library or Netflix (DVDs).  It has amazing pictures of baby development and goes through the stages of labor at the end. 

    It was a quick movie to watch and shows a natural delivery at the end.  Great for DH who wasn't into reading everything I did. 


    Two boys already - ages 5 and 3... #3 is here...

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    Thanks for all the film ideas ladies!  We really aren't much readers.  I know I want to watch business of being born but I didn't know about the others.  I think we will have to look into netflix.
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