I love the name Sophie but hate that Sophia is sooooo popular right now. Are they different enough? I've been in education for 14 years and have only had one Sophie come through.
2nd: Ava (too popular?) Plus we have a long ethnic last name that ends is AVA but it's pronounced (AH-VUH)
3rd: Tatum- Love this but her last name will already be butchered so I'm wondering if this isn't simple enough to go with it.
4th: Reese
BTW...hubby hates all of them and is only "thinking" about Sophie. DS is Jake (not Jacob...just Jake)
Re: Girl Name Opinion- HELP!
I think they're pretty much the same, and plenty of people name their daughters Sophia and call them Sophie for short (not that I agree with that).
What about Sylvie?
Ava is insanely popular.
Tatum is an ugly name, to be perfectly honest. It's like potatoes or taint or something. Not good.
Reese is nice.
yeah.... Sophie and Sophia are like, the same name. No one will be able to distinguish your Sophie from the little girls that are Sophias but called Sophie.
I think Ava is pretty and if you love it, don't worry about how popular it is.
I don't care for Tatum or Reese. They both just sound blah to me.
I love Sophie, I think its different enough from Sophia. Plus, no matter what name you go with, there's always going to be another kid with it, so just go with what you love!
Love Ava & Reese too
Ava ______ava
I like all of your other ideas.
I actually prefer Sophie over Sophia. Plus I'm usually not a fan of weird spellings but I prefer it to be spelled Sofie for some reason, which might give her some individuality from all the Sophias out there!
I like the name Ava but not it's popularity and I think it's important that you pick a first name that flows well with your last name.
Tatum is a good name, not my favorite, but I don't think it would get butchered..
I love the name Reese!
I taught for 11 years and only had one Sophia in my class-love it.
My favorite name for a girl has always been Tatum....awesome. Keep throwing it around. Your H may warm up to it.
ETA-don't let a unique name throw you off if you really like it. There are three little girls named Emerson at my big girl's school and her ballet teacher is named Landry. Go figure I thought that I had some unusual names that I loved.
Sounds like you need to keep looking if your H hates them all. That said...
As much as I love Sophie on its own, no, I don't think it's "different enough" from Sophia. Lots of Sophia's go by Sophie. And the names are basically identical. If you use the name, use it because you love it---not because you're expecting it to be "different."
I love Ava and Tatum as well, but your H doesn't, so there's no use in discussing them.