
AW: Fat Baby

I know this is probably not exciting to anybody but me but I am just so happy. Micah was 8lb at birth and lost a lot of weight getting down to 7lb2oz. At his first appointment we didn't see his regular pediatrician and the pediatrician we did see said that since he lost over 10% of his birth weight we'd have to supplement. I asked if we could have one more day of nursing now that my milk had come in and see if his weight increased. He went up a little so I didn't supplement. At his 10 day visit he was only 7lbs 4 oz. We saw his regular pediatrician who is very pro-breast feeding and said that because he was increasing, even slowly, we wouldn't have to supplement just yet but we'd keep an eye on him. Today at his 1 month visit he was 10lb 2 oz. He gained almost 3lbs in 3 weeks! 3 lbs! Woohoo for a fat baby!

I want to write a letter to the first pediatrician and tell him. I totally understand the concept that if they lose over 10% it can be dangerous for baby and that supplementing may be necessary. But he didn't give me any advice on BFing, didn't ask how frequently LO was nursing, if I was waking him to nurse if he slept too long, didn't mention seeing a LC, didn't ask about wet diapers etc. He just jumped quickly to supplementing and kind of rolled his eyes when I asked for one more day to BF and reweigh.  It makes me upset for all the moms out there whose pediatricians don't have much BFing knowledge and don't know how to encourage a mom to keep BFing. Anyhow, so excited that my baby is growing. 


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Re: AW: Fat Baby

  • That's so awesome how much your baby has gained! And way to go, for standing your ground against the other pedi! I agree, we need more doctors who are willing to go the mile to help moms breastfeed.... it can be so hard, we need everybody in our court!
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  • That is such great news! I'm so glad you have a great, supportive Pedi. (I also appreciate you writing this post because now I'm going to inquire as to potential Pedi's BF views when we are looking for one. Thank you!) 

    And can I just say what a doll your newest little man is?! 

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  • YEYEY!!!

    I'm with you....It took us awhile to realize that my girls weren't big gainers - and never have been.  So I probably didn't need to use as much supplement after a certain point  - but didn't realize until later. Glad you stuck to your guns!

    I'm really nervous about BF again this time around, but I keep reminding myself that we had so many problems the first time, I know so much now and can troubleshoot faster!

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  • imageamanda31H:


    I'm with you....It took us awhile to realize that my girls weren't big gainers - and never have been.  So I probably didn't need to use as much supplement after a certain point  - but didn't realize until later. Glad you stuck to your guns!

    I'm really nervous about BF again this time around, but I keep reminding myself that we had so many problems the first time, I know so much now and can troubleshoot faster!

    BF one has been infinitely easier than when I BF the boys. Part of it is probably that it isn't the first time and part of it is that there is only one.  I did enjoy BFing the boys but not until a lot later. Don't be nervous! 

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  • Way to go!
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is awesome!! Way to go and good for you for sticking your ground. Pedi #1 makes me groan. And way to go baby Micah- keep growing. :)
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