I haven't known anyone who has cloth diapered... hadn't ever held one before... but I really wanted to do it, so I took a chance and ordered some... I cannot believe how soft they are! They must be so much more comfortable than disposables for baby! I am so excited for LO to get here to try them out!
I do have questions though... I ordered a bummis newborn kit plus some other covers and AIOs... but I am realizing now that the bummis pre-folds and covers are only rated for 5-9 lbs... My nephew who was just born weighed 9 lbs 2.5 oz.... I am wondering if I should prep them anyway, or if I should wait to see how big baby is? I don't want to spend too much more money on the newborn stage, but should I order some infant sized prefolds that are rated for bigger babies? What do you think? I have four other covers that are bigger than those bummis...(2 rated to 12 lbs, 2 rated to 15 lbs) after the baby is big enough I plan on using pockets mostly...
Re: Got my order!
I would keep them too. You never know about how big they will be, and NB legs are super skinny and bigger diapers tend to leak on them even if they are the "correct" weight.
We use NB PFs now all the time- between her onesie and soiled bottom during diaper changes, as drool rags during teething, as back up cloth wipes, and as occasional doublers.
FWIW, my LO was in NB diapers until around 10 weeks. She was born at 6 lbs 14 oz (although everyone was predicting she was 8 lbs+).