My hubby & I have just started TTC but I'm hesitant to tell any of my family/friends that we are trying (I feel like people will constantly ask if I'm preggo yet and I'll be more disappointed if I have to keep telling people I'm not pregnant yet if it doesn't happen right away). Our parents are anxious for us to have a baby and they always ask when we're going to start trying. I kind of want to keep it a special little secret between my hubby & I.... anyone else feel the same?
Re: Anyone else here TTC but not telling your family/friends?
My husband and I found out we were pregnant in Feb. and then Miscarried in March. We didn't tell our parents until 2 weeks before the loss...Once we do TTC again we will NOT be telling ANYONE until we are in the 2nd Trimester....I actually go the Ok from my Dr. to start after my first cycle..The first thing my Mom asked when I told her was..Well are yall going to try and I said NO...I don't want to tell people and then something happen...again...
Good Luck to you and your husband....
My husband and I told our co-workers and I told one cousin of mine that I could trust not to tell anyone. Besides that I don't plan on telling anyone. I think its better off not to say anything. Once you are in the pregnancy and a few weeks in I think that is when you should spill the beans. (=
I'm not quite TTC but even now I'm very vague with family and friends about when we are going to start TTC. I feel that thats a time that I don't want any stress put on me froms family or friends. I don't think that my MIL could contain herself with excitement! good luck with TTC
Pretty much as soon as we got married people began asking about when we were going to start a family. It drove me crazy, so when we started TTC nine months ago, I didn't tell ANYONE (my husband, on the other hand, apparently told anyone who would listen). Even without mentioning it to my family, they keep pressuring me about when I'm going to get pregnant. I can't imagine if they actually knew I was trying. Actually, I can, and it would probably involve tips and advice from my parents. No thank you.
I'm now about 5w2d pregnant and we haven't told anyone about that either. I do look forward to sharing the news, but having the first grandchild is stressful!
Married August 2010
TTC since April 2012
Baby girl #1 7/11/13
Baby girl #2 4/30/15
Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!