Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

did anyone wear an SI belt during pregnancy?

I have been having ongoing issues ever since pregnancy that have been continually misdiagnosed. i just saw a women's health physical therapist and she thinks its SI joint dysfunction. and to top it off, i'm pregnant again! She gave me an SI belt which has been feeling really good. I'm having the hardest time figuring out the right placement though. i think i know where i need to put it to make things feel better but it seems to cut into my belly (i'm 11 weeks, so don't have a real belly per se yet but the beginnings and i'm bloated.) It makes me feel like my pants are too tight, which they aren't. is my belt too small or am i just not placing it correctly?

Re: did anyone wear an SI belt during pregnancy?

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    You need a pregnancy SI belt - it has a large front panel that will go just below your belly. It's still a little uncomfortable, but I survived. . .

    Mine sits just below the tops of my hips on the sides - so midway between my belly button and crotch in the front?  


    (I work an SI belt every time I was pregnant starting at about 5 weeks because I have Pubis Symphasis Disorder, scoliosis, and massive SI issues).  

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    rmrmrmrm member

    Thanks. I didn't realize their were special ones for pregnancy--i thought they were for pregnancy. ha. i'm going to ask my PT about this this week. even though it's cutting into my stomach it's already provided me so much relief! I've had these issues ever since I was pregnant with my first son who is now almost 15 mos. one doctor told me i had hip bursitis and another dr told me it was bc of a tear in a disc. but just from wearing this belt over the weekend it feels a lot better.

    It sounds like we have some of the same issues, i also have scolosis etc. If you don't mind me asking, bc of this did they take any special precautions with your deliveries? I had read online that sometimes a c section is recommended? i know i'm going to suffer during this pregnancy, i'm just hoping that i can get this under control after the pregnancy.  

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    Here's the one I used:

    (I use it postpartum now without that front pad, as they are 2 different pieces).


    I've had 7 pregnancies and 3 live births.  All 3 births were uncomplicated vaginal deliveries (7 1/2lbs, 10lbs, and 9lbs for the babies).  No special precautions.  The only problem I had was with epidural effectiveness.  Sorry, want to say more but I have to put LO down for nap.


    I found this book to be really really helpful:

    It teaches tricks for handling yourself differently during a variety of movements during pregnancy as well as stretches to help afterward.  I have to be VERY careful of my hamstrings getting tight during and after pregnancy, so that's one stretch I'd consider adding immediately if you can.  Try to limit movements that put the hips off balance - I had to take stairs like an old lady (up one step, bring the next foot up, up the other step, if that makes sense). . . overall it did hurt, but it wasn't overwhelming pain for the whole of the pregnancy.  I actually have a rough time during 1st tri but get better during 2nd and 3rd - then bad after delivery and while nursing.  

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    I also wore an SI belt during my last pregnancy. I carried very low and had a lot of hip & joint pain, as well bad pain in my pubic bone too. I did physiotherapy twice a week for 2 months before delivery and for one month after. Thank god i did because the pain was unbearable!

    I wore mine low, like just above the pubic bone and it did provide relief!

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