May 2011 Moms

Goodie Bags

What are you putting in the goodie bags for LO's bday party? I'm drawing a blank here. We'll only have three 1 year olds a couple of kindergarteners and two 10 year olds so it's not like I can make them all the same. I don't want to include candy or just some cheaply toy, especially not for the babies for the other kindergarteners I found nontoxic crayons and go-fish cards (our theme is under the sea) but I don't think that would excite two 10 year olds that think are 15! Ideas?!

PS: phone post.  

Re: Goodie Bags

  • I think the only children at DD's party will be my three nieces.  I'll probably buy different Uno games (the regular version for the older two and the "My First Uno" version for the youngest one) to give to them.  The theme of the party is Uno.

    ETA: I realize this does not help you at all, and apologize.  Haha. 

    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • We're not really having a theme.  We have 8 kids, ages 1 - 12.

    Goody bags include:

    Novelty glasses nose mustache face


    Parachute army men

    Reduced sugar fruit juice gummys

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  • imagekacelle:

    I think the only children at DD's party will be my three nieces.  I'll probably buy different Uno games (the regular version for the older two and the "My First Uno" version for the youngest one) to give to them.  The theme of the party is Uno.

    ETA: I realize this does not help you at all, and apologize.  Haha. 

    Lol. It's ok, it helps in that I want to know what everyone is putting in their bags :)

  • im not doing any goody bags.
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  • We are doing Camp theme so I have a little whistle compass combo thing, some fruit snacks, a camp activity book, these little flying toys and a granola bar.
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  • BeabsBeabs member

    im not doing any goody bags.


    I do plan on getting out sidewalk chalk so kids (and adults) can draw on the patio. And bubbles. And we'll have glow necklaces/bracelets for people once it's bonfire time, but those are really more for me.

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  • Happy to hear other people are not doing goodie bags -- I just had a heart attack. 

    If I WERE to do a goodie bag, I'm thinking stickers, bubbles, m&ms...I dunno. 
    F#$% I should probably do one.

  • We're having a pinata, so I decided today not to do goodie bags and instead to personalize pails for each kids pinata goodies.  It's a treasure chest pinata, so there will be necklaces, bracelets, candy, ocean animal toys, etc. I just can't find the energy or time to also do goodie bags...


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  • We are having the party at my family's house right next to the beach. Each kid is going to get a bucket and shovel set--with their name written on it. I figure the weather *knocks on wood* is going to be nice, so they may be spending some time AT the beach. In each bucket will be outdoor items found at the dollar store.
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