Attachment Parenting

What to do?!

DS turned 3 in March and was fully potty trained a short while before then, since DD was born, we've had major issues! DS continuously pees his pants, so I started from scratch, I had him stop wearing bottoms during  the day when we are home, but then he just pees wherever he's standing! It's so frustrating! I know he's acting out because he's jealous of the new baby, and he's no longer getting all of the attention he is used to. I make sure to let him help me with various things pertaining to DD and do things with him only as well, but it does't seem like it's ever enough to satisfy him. DH is away on training for the Army, so it's just me.  Any suggestions? TIA
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Re: What to do?!

  • Regressing after the birth of a sibling is so normal.

    Honestly, I would put him back in pull ups (or whatever you used) and let him adjust for a while before trying the whole potty thing again.

    While it may feel like a step back to you, he may just need to focus on the change in family dynamic for a while. Continuing to push the potty training seems like it is doing nothing but frustrating you and probably stressing him. Yeah, it sucks, but you can still encourage him by asking if he feels the need to go and making a huge fuss if he does. Give him a chance to settle down and then try it again. I would guess it would be super easy next time as he already gets the basics! Good luck!

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