I know that some don't like the expression but seeing as I'm a human who is soothing (pacifying) another human I don't mind it at all...
Anyway, we may have come up with a night time routine that works for everyone.
Last night my husband rocked baby to sleep and held her for 30 min, then she started to stir/look for me - I nursed her and topped her off (I have crazy low supply) with her bottle and then was able to get her into her own bed in our room where she slept from 9:30-1 and then 1:22 until 5. She came into our bed from 5-6 but nursing wasn't enough to get her back to sleep so we got up for a bottle. After that she went back into her bed from 6-8:30. I don't know if we'll ever be able to replicate last night but I have to say that I really really liked that routine. It was much nicer for me than being sucked on all night long. AND little one stirred a few times but was able to get herself back to sleep. I think that's a great skill for her too!
Re: human pacifier update