I am building my cloth diapering stash, and was wondering how many fleece liners and hemp doublers you would recommend? I plan on using mostly prefolds and covers. I plan on using the doublers mostly at night with fitted Green Mountain Diaper workhorses and Wool Covers. Should I expect to use them quite a bit during the day as well?
So far, I have:
12 microfleece liners
6 small hemp doublers
4 large hemp doublers
Re: How many fleece liners and hemp doublers?
I would get more fleece, just because if you need to get in to some heavy duty diaper cream, you'll need one for every change - plus, a remnant is like $2.
If you're just using the hemp at night, I'd say you're good to go. And since you won't need the too much in the beginning, it's something you can add as you go if you need to.