XP from PAIF. Long, I know...TIA SO...long story short. We were scared of the bleeding I've been having, and really waiting to see this heart beat at 6w3d to make us stop worrying. I have learned that I am no where CLOSE to being in control or knowing what to expect. We transferred one grade AB embie on day 5. I saw the heart beat quickly, I loved it! There was a moment of Joy. THEN...the Dr says, here you have the second baby....WHAT!? TWO? and that heartbeat looks good too. MORE JOY. Something about an irregularly shaped uterus at the moment, lima bean shaped instead of round but that it isn't a problem, and should straighten out as the BABIES grow. BABIES?! We transferred one. But wait... "what's that? zoom in bit more...is that a?...let me just get all the information here then I'll talk, everything's fine...(longest pause ever) yes. Yes. You have a third heart beat in there too." Shocked is not the appropriate word, but neither is stunned. I don't think they aptly describe how unbelievable I'm finding this. With ONE embryo, THREE babies? All with regular heart beats (I either didn't catch the number, or I forgot it, but I know they are all in normal range). I know this sounds like MUD (does it?) but I'm real. Also a little back story on me---I'm 125 lb pre pregnancy. CERTAINLY petite, and scared out of my mind for the health of all four of us. DID I JUST SAY FOUR?! MH is joyful that there IS a heartbeat(s), and that my body is able to maintain a pregnancy for at least 6 weeks (never been pregnant before) I know its really early, and sometimes one or two of them will stop living (do thy get absorbed? is that vanishing twin? can you have vanishing triplet?) DH and I both want healthy babies, be it one, two, or three. I'm in disbelief. I'm sure I'll be posting more later, but if ANYONE knows how the RE's office is a place for unexpected curveballs, its my gals on PAIF/TTTC. My RE is already discussing selective reduction (there is a study of THREE cases that have done this, but all were successful.) My sister googled the odds of identical triplets from a single embryo transfer and said it was something like 1 in 160,000. REALLY? Has anyone had a similar experience?Bless you for reading this far! I'm sorry my entry is or record length. I guess I'm good at breaking the mould today.
4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?)
PAIF and SAIF welcome

Re: OK, here I go, maybe you can get me past the shock stage?
Wow, that is certainly a lot to digest, Congratulations!!!!!!
While I only have 2 in here, I was pretty much in the same boat as you, only expected to see one baby on the ultrasound, I actually burst into tears when she said "and here's the other baby"...... yeah, not what I was prepared for at all.
The best suggestion I can give you is to take a lot of deep breaths, and just take it one day at a time. It's a lot to get used to, but you can go on to have a sucessful and healthy pregnancy and bring home 3 healthy babies!!!!
There are lots of triplet mommas on this board who can offer you support and advice b/c they've been where you are.... for now, just take a little time to let your mind get used to this.... trust me, it will take some time (i'm still in shock I'm having two and they could arrive any day now!)
Congratulations again!!!!!
Some friends directed me to your other post, but I'm glad you posted here. My boys were spontaneously conceived (it just means without the use of fertility treatments) as well as the other set that you might run into here (PianoPlayingSarah's girls.) But I do know of at least a few other sets out there that were conceived when one embryo was transferred in IVF.
So, I'm assuming they are sure all of the babies came from that one embryo? I know that sounds dumb, but there are cases of triplets and quads where one baby came spontaneously. (For instance, I know a set of triplets that is all fraternal, but they only transferred two embryos.) I'm not sure if that's a possibility, but just wanted to throw it out there.
In any case, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I have a blog (link in sig) and even a youtube video of my first ultrasound, but you might be too close to your own to want to watch that.
congrats and welcome! (Oh, and I have a facebook group set up for Parents of Identical Triplets if you ever want to join. just let me know.)
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
like someone else said, I'm only having two, but the complete and utter shock happened in a similar fashion.
I had spotting and went for an u/s at like 7 weeks and was holding my breath waiting for one healthy heartbeat, and the first thing the u/s tech said was, "do twins run in your family?" I said no, and started laughing, my husband was stunned silent for a good hour.
I don't know if you're religious at all, but I firmly believe that God only gives us what we can handle. and that's pretty much what's kept me sane this pregnancy.
congrats and good luck with a healthy and happy pregnancy!
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
My OB also asked if I was doing fertility treatments when we found out. I was like, "wouldn't you know??"
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
I also *only* have twins, but we were pretty flippin shocked also. Give yourself some time, it definitely takes awhile.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
Congratulations! We found out 2 weeks ago at an ultrasound that we are having twins, when the tech said "...and there's the other one". Both DH and I said "holy s@#$!". I felt bad for swearing as I usually don't, but I couldn't help it. Completely not what we were expecting. Even my dr said "I'm in shock and had to sit down and it's not me". She was joking, but she could see the look of utter shock on both our faces and was trying to lighten the mood.
Bottom line, we are thrilled. It's still setting in and much to my surprise, DH is delegating and planning like a pro. I've never loved him more.
Happy and Healthy 9 months to you.
Welcome I know how you fell we were doing timed intercourse with meds and I had 1 follicle when I triggered we I went in for u/s they asked me how many eggs I had I told them 1 they told me cause there are 4 I was shocked to say the least. Mine ended up being fraternal I had other eggs come up fast.
As for size I am a short 5ft 2in 140lbs when I got pg with my trios carried them till 35 weeks 3 days. I did end up on bedrest but had nothing to do with my size I have history of preterm labor. As for losing one as I said mine are not identical but you can lose one and other are fine. We have 4 and lost the 4th one my body absorbed it and did not effect the other 3. We were talked to about selective reduction by the RE we made choice not to do it. It is a personal choice but one we could not make. Good luck I would be happy to answer any questions.
I am pregnant with twins .. and it was a HUGE shock for me too! We weren't expecting to get pregnant let alone with twins. I was told I couldn't have anymore children (previous cancer treatments) and my boyfriends sperm count is low. So imagine the shock when I am in the hospital for the flu and find out I am pregnant not only with one baby but two! I think I was numb with disbelief for a good week or so! Mine are boy/girl twins so the doc said I must have released two egg's at the same time!
Amazing how things work out isn't it? Must have been all a part of god's plan for us!
Congrat's on the new babies growing inside of you!
I wish you the best of luck and I welcome you to the board too!