Hi there - I had my first baby at 37 (first miscarriage but then successfully pregnant within a year). Now, I'm 39 and we've been trying for 6 months without success so we're seeing a fertility specialist in a few weeks.
Could you guys get me up to speed about what they will probably recommend? I'm just curious and want to read more about options. I went before and I am already on thyroid medication (my TSH was not ideal) and progesterone for post ovulation until period/pregnant. TIA!
Re: Advice for fertility treatments?
They may also have you chart first, if you haven't been charting already.
Good luck!
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
How long did it take you to get pregnant with #1? Are you charting?
I had my first at 34 (first try w/o charting) and I am now 37 TTC #2 and this our 6th cycle (charting).
I have had AMH, CD3 blood work, progesterone and DH had a SA. The next step will be an HSG but we have to wait b/c insurance doesn't pay for it. My husband starts a new job in August and I will get it then if I'm not pregnant by then.
Good Luck to you!
At your age they might want to go straight to IVF...it really depends on all the test results.
Best of luck!
BFP #1 - missed m/c 4.18.11 found @8w3d, d&c @13w
BFP #2 blighted ovum found 8.2011 @8w, misoprostol
BFP#3 - missed m/c 6.11.12 @ 9w3d, d&c revealed extra chromosome 15
BFP#4 8.10.12, DD born 4/26/13
BFP #1 - missed m/c 4.18.11 found @8w3d, d&c @13w
BFP #2 blighted ovum found 8.2011 @8w, misoprostol
BFP#3 - missed m/c 6.11.12 @ 9w3d, d&c revealed extra chromosome 15
BFP#4 8.10.12, DD born 4/26/13