So me and my DH have just hit a rather rough spot financially (who isn't having trouble with money these days?!)
Anyways, we've got a small stash of CD's but not many only about a day's worth. We're going to be adding more to the stash but I was just wondering what are some ways you strive to save money with cloth diapers?
We don't have money for fancy detergents, but still need our diapers to last. We don't have wet bags so I figured I'd just use a ziploc bag for the diaper bag when we go out. I'm trying to be as frugal as possible so any suggestions would be great
Re: Cloth Diapering on a STRICT budget...
Eventually your ziplock bag idea is going to cost more than buying one wetbag.
Comprehensive list of detergents. You can pick and choose how fancy you get.
The absolute, hands down, cheapest way to CD is to go with a few dozen prefolds. You can get "premium sized" prefolds on several CD sites (GMD are good, but I got mine here for the same quality and cheaper prices - ).
You just fold down the excess when the baby is small. It's bulkier, but it's cheap. I'd also recommend a OS cover - Blueberry Coveralls are the most well-made I've found. Thirsties are great, but their snap covers suck and the velcro doesn't hold up well, so you'll end up replacing them. We re-use grocery bags when we travel to store dirty diapers in. It doesn't contain the smell very well, but we only use them when we're going out for a short trip. I have several inexpensive wetbags that we wash and reuse a ton that work great for longer trips. Tide is the best and cheapest detergent around. Just plain Tide Ultra powder. You don't HAVE to use a pail liner either (though I much prefer it). Some people use king-sized pillow cases successfully. As far as overnight diapering, you can double up prefolds, use disposables (it's only 1 a day!) or use some pockets (you'll only need a few). Good luck!
I would recommend getting at least one wet bag from They're $4.49 for solids and free shipping. You will wait a few weeks to get them but that'll be cheaper than a box of ziploc bags (at least around here), which won't last.
I also buy everything used or on very good sales. Prefolds and covers will definitely be your cheapest option, and you can get a yard of fleece from the fabric store that you can cut into rectangles if you want some stay dry liners. I buy Charlie's Soap off Amazon for detergent, it's about $10 and it lasts a long time, use it for laundry as well. I don't think you'd need more than a day or two's worth, they will wear out slightly faster but it'll keep your laundry needs to a fair minimum while having enough to not be doing laundry all the time.
Great way to save money overall, though!!
An actual wetbag will definitely save you money in the long run - I always keep a ziploc bag in my diaper bag, in case I forget my wetbag, but I dont re-use it. Once a dirty diaper has been in there, in the trash it goes.
Also, If you are using fitteds or prefolds, you can reuse the cover more than once per day ( i would wipe it out between each change, unless there was poo on it).
Check your local Craigslist or for used diapers. CL often has some of the best deals.
I bought most of our stash used from Craigslist or online from spotscorner or diaperswappers. I would check and see if you have any cloth diaper stores near you. We have one that sells used prefolds for $1/each and I've picked up a few there. also has their seconds sale which is a good way to get unused diapers for cheap. I also ordered a few Kawaii which are recommended and are very inexpensive.
For good quality covers, check out these "seconds" sales (they are brand new, but have some minor imperfection that you'll probably never notice):
Flip covers- $9 each at
Blueberry coveralls- $10 each at
Until recently I was very frugal with cloth diapers. I've recently bought different types of pockets and AIO's but for over a year I used only prefolds and thristies/ thirsties duos covers. I got all of my prefolds used either on CL or on cloth diaper websites. I paid $.25 each on CL and around $1 each on Jillians Drawers. Most of my thirsties were gently used from Jillians Drawers.
I use Tide powder and I LOVE it. I've tried other things but Tide gets my diapers the cleanest. Kroger frequently has the small box on sale for around $5- $6 if I buy so many. My paper also usually has Tide coupons so I combine them with the sale and stock up.
For a diaper pail I bought two 6gal buckets with lids at Walmart. They were about $5 each. I keep one is the nursery for wet diapers and one next to the toilet for dirty diapers. For a liner I use white trash bags but I'll probably get washable liners soon. I don't have a sprayer. I just dunk my diapers and put them in the pail still dripping. I wash every 2-3 days and haven't had any stink issues. Depending on how often you are out of the house I'd get at least one wetbag. The cost of Ziploc bags can add up quickly.
I only have Kawaii pockets - I bought my entire stash - for twins - for less than $250.
I DIYed cloth wipes. Flannel from the fabric store, sewed two pieces together and you have a wipe. I make my own solution for the wipes - Dr. Bronner's soap, olive oil, and water. The bottle of Dr. Bronner's has lasted me five months CDing for two and is still going strong.
Good luck - cding is a great way to save!
For wipes, I got two packs of cheap baby washclothes at TJ max. They were 24 to a pack for $3 each (I said they were cheap!) The texture is perfect and I like them so much more than the name-brand flannel ones. I use water and a drop of California Baby, but just water works, too.
For detergent, I'd go Tide or EFF. EFF is cheaper, but if you have any water issues I'd stick with Tide. It will save you laundry issues down the road.
Try signing up for amazon super savers for detergent. I use dropps since we have hard water. Probably not the cheapest detergent to buy, but it works for us. I did start off by buying a huge amount from They have a discount for first time purchases.
Also, I second using the seconds. I found the kellyscloset seconds to be really nice.
Seconds on the blueberry coveralls. They cover a lot of area and are very well made. Get snaps so they last longer.
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After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
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DS #2 - 4/2/14
I just bought a bunch of cheap diapers off ebay. I love the Rainbow BB bamboo diapers, they are a nice stash filler. You can also get extra inserts off there too. Also keep an eye on out craigslist and consignment sales, there are a BUNCH on there all the time, though around here they get snapped op quick! Just avoid Babyland Diapers, they are cheap for a reason.
DEFINITELY get a wet bag. You don't need to get a fancy one, but you can find them cheap - about the same as one box of ziplocs. I saw someone mention Alva - which also has good quality cheap diapers.
For reasonable detergent, look in to biokleen. My grocery store carries it in the 'natural' section. It was around $10 for 60 loads. Here's a list with the price per load for detergent - Country save is low cost too, and GREAT for diapers.