Two Under 2

Another city mini double question

I have the single and LOVE it!  I want to get the Doyle for when #2 arrives, but I'm wondering if it fits through doors and how it is navigating aisles in stores...I'm envisioning our local Carter's and cant envision shopping in there with it, let alone getting in the single door!  Thoughts? 
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Re: Another city mini double question

  • From everything I've read, standard doors are no problem with double strollers... they look really wide but are designed to go through doors... or else they'd be useless. Narrow aisles in malls are another story. You could either look at tandem (front-and-back) double strollers, which are still not guaranteed to fit, or consider using a single stroller plus a carrier while shopping. I think it really depends on how much you plan to use the stroller for what purpose. Most of the time I bother to use my single stroller nowadays is at the mall, so I'm thinking about a really compact tandem like the Britax B-Ready or similar. Because what is the alternative, leaving my kids outside Gymboree while I shop? Huh?
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  • imageJennJenn613:
    From everything I've read, standard doors are no problem with double strollers... they look really wide but are designed to go through doors... or else they'd be useless. Narrow aisles in malls are another story. You could either look at tandem (front-and-back) double strollers, which are still not guaranteed to fit, or consider using a single stroller plus a carrier while shopping. I think it really depends on how much you plan to use the stroller for what purpose. Most of the time I bother to use my single stroller nowadays is at the mall, so I'm thinking about a really compact tandem like the Britax B-Ready or similar. Because what is the alternative, leaving my kids outside Gymboree while I shop? Huh?
    All of this!! We only use our side by side stroller (we had a City Mini but now use a Combi Twin) when both DH and I are together. If I go shopping alone, it's impossible to navigate those tight isles by yourself. When I'm solo I tend to use a single stroller and wear DS.

    As for doorways, we've only encountered 1 door that we couldn't fit through and that was a building from the 1800's so their idea of a standard doorway was much different! Otherwise we've fit in every doorway.
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  • I haven't bought a double stoller yet, but I do accost all moms I see using them to ask how they like theirs. I just spoke to a woman in the post office about her citi mini double and she loves it. I especially asked about the doorway issue because here in London everything is smaller, espcially doorways, because the biuldings tend to be so old and she said she hasn't had any trouble yet.
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