Baby Names

Need ideas for Girl name!

So far, I like Claire and Heidi but not set on either one since we have quite some time to decide and I've looked at baby name books but cannot find anything. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

DD1 is named Hannah Grace so something that goes well with her name would be great! I also have a bit of another challenge in that it has to be something that would sound good or at least ok in French since they will be going to a French School.

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Re: Need ideas for Girl name!

  • I like Heidi as a nn for Adelaide.

    Hannah and Heidi are pretty matchy for a sibset, maybe using Adelaide or its variants: Adele, Adeline formally would give you a more french feeling.


  • jmay4jmay4 member

    I think Heidi is really cute.  It's underused in my opinion!  And I think Hannah and Heidi are sweet together.

     Other suggestions:  Ella, Claire, Lauren, Caroline, Genevieve, Meredith, Felicity, Julia, Juliana, Natalie, Alyssa, Alexa, Zoe, Chloe, Clara, Charlotte

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  • imageLexiLupin:

    This made me think of the name Renelle. I would never use it but I LOVE it! :)

    Happily married to my Snorkelbutt - 07/31/10

    BFP #1 09/02/11  M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
    BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13

    SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
  • My name is Heidi, and I have loved having the name.  I really don't run into a lot of other Heidis (which is nice), but at the same time, it's common enough that everyone knows how to pronounce it.  :)
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  • I think Claire is cute. I also think Hannah and Chole, Paige, and Harper are cute together
  • I think Hannah and Claire go well together! 
    1st BFP 6/17/2011, EDD 2/22/2012, Saw HB 7/12/2011 at 7wks6d, Missed MC 7/26/2011 at 9wks6d, D&C 7/27/2011

    2nd BFP 11/15/2011, EDD 7/11/2012, MC 11/16/2011 at 5wks6d

    3rd BFP 1/23/2012, EDD 10/4/2012, Our baby boy was born on 9/27/2012

    4th BFP 3/19/2014, EDD 11/30/2014, MC 3/31/2014 at 5wks1d

    5th BFP 6/1/2014, EDD 2/12/2015, diagnosed with a large subchorionic hemorrhage 6/17/2014, hemorrhage resolved 7/15/2014

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