XP: 2+moms- stretching/burning as bump grows?

I'm beginning to feel some stretching and burning along the incision as my belly starts to grow. Normal? Will it stay like this or get worse as my belly becomes quite a bump? TIA
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Re: XP: 2+moms- stretching/burning as bump grows?

  • I'm just a few weeks ahead of you, but from what I've heard it is normal. Mine isn't constant, but it happens more frequently as time goes on.

     I'm having acupuncture done for unrelated things, but he did something yesterday that affected my scar (during the time the needles were in), and since then I haven't had any pain in my scar. I hope this keeps up!

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  • Totally normal!  I had it during the first and beginning of the second tri (and some have it in the third tri too), it's just scar tissue stretching.  It helped me a lot to massage it with whatever oil/lotion I was putting on my belly after bathing.
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  • Yeah, something I can contribute to!

    Definitely normal. I had such bad stretching pains that I called the oncall service over the weekend right about 13 weeks because I thought it was cramping and was seriously worried.

    My OB had me come in that Monday (since I wasn't bleeding or having any other symptoms or issues) and all of the pain was in the area of my scar. Scar tissue hurts like a mother when it stretches out.

    It will go away soon. I'm 20 weeks now and it has been weeks since I've felt those pains. (Now I've got a whole other set of aches going on with the belly getting bigger, lol.)

    Hydration helped a bit and a Tylenol...and rest.

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