I just found out that we are having twins. My husband is a twin and he is ecstatic but to be honest, I am scared to death. The delivery scares me the most I think. I really fear having to have a c-section. Labor with my first child went so easily and it was almost painless. I am not as scared of what it will be like when they get here because I have my mother-in-law who will be staying with us to help out. I also have a cyst on my ovary so the thought of carrying twins scares me a little bit...Any advice?
Re: Twins=scary!!!
It's scary and overwhelming at first, I felt the same way. But one thing at a time, just take care of yourself and those babies, eat well and drink lots of water. Dr. Barbara Luke's book is very helpful in terms of advice for a healthy twin pregnancy.
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
Congratulations! I hope this doesn't come off as rude (I really don't mean it to be) but I would try to get comfortable with the idea of a c/s. About 1/2 of the girls here delivered via c/s. I had a vaginal delivery with DS1 and it was so easy, I was terrified of my c/s and it really ended up being no big deal. It wasn't any better or worse than my vaginal delivery, just different. Hopefully you'll be in the 50% that can have a vaginal delivery, but even if everything looks perfect for a vaginal delivery up until you're in labor, things can change at the last second. I would research a c/s so you become more comfortable with the idea. That's wonderful that you'll have your MIL there to help out at the beginning.
first off congrats on your pg. you definetly have a right to be scared. my only advice since i'm pretty early into it is just listen to your body. rest when you need to rest, eat lots of protein, and be prepared. you just never know what is around the corner with a multiple pregnancy. congrats!
Thank you everyone for the advice. It's really comforting to hear from others who have had twins or are having twins. I appreciate all of the advice I get!