My LO has been on soy for serious fussiness and gas. I have a milk protein allergy, so I am hoping his doesn't stick around (it's a PITA for me). Do you plan to try milk at age 1? I am curious what the pedi will say at our appointment. I am wondering if they'll try milk or go straight to soy.
I already decided if they want us to try cow's milk, I'll take a few days off work in case it goes BAD!
Re: Mom's who give soy...
We go back to the GI in May, and I am hoping then he will give us the green light to start to try some dairy with LO. He has said he will want us to give him bits, but not until we get the ok.
If he tolerates the dairy he eats well, we hope to go to regular milk. If not, then I think we'll stick with soy.
DS was on soy, up until 4 days ago when we switched to regular Similac.
He had been on soy since 8 weeks for fussiness/gas. It gave him horrible constipation, so I was really itching to switch him. I gave him cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt in small amounts to see if he would have reaction to more milk based products. He did not, so I switched him. So far, so good, no issues.
I figured it may be easier to switch him from regular formula over to whole milk at 1 yr, than from soy. HTH.