I've been CD'ing part-time for 4 months or so. I use mostly BG 4.0's, but have some GroVia AIO's too. I've noticed a smell from them sometimes - they smell clean out of the washer and after drying, but once they've been peed in they have a smell kind of like a dirty dishrag. It's not amonia and not barnyard, so is this the dreaded "funk" i hear about with microfiber? I smell it on my GroVia's too, which seem to be cotton. Actually, I first noticed it when my DS had a GroVia on, and just recently noticed it with a BG. What could this be, and more importantly how do I get rid of it?
Since I only CD part time (nights and weekends), I typically wash every 3rd day (I try for every other day but it doesn't always happen). I use Dropps in an HE top loader. My wash routine is Rinse & Spin cycle on cold w/no detergent & no spin. Heavy Duty cycle on Hot, heavy soil, extra rinse, w/1 Dropps packet.
Re: Help with smell issue
I currently have both towels and diapers that need washed so I will give this a try and see. Thanks for the tips!
Maybe it's time to go full time with the cloth diapers then, so I have enough for a full load. I've been too chicken to bring them to day care, like i'm "inconveniencing" them or something. It's lame.