Cloth Diapering

Help with smell issue

I've been CD'ing part-time for 4 months or so.  I use mostly BG 4.0's, but have some GroVia AIO's too.  I've noticed a smell from them sometimes - they smell clean out of the washer and after drying, but once they've been peed in they have a smell kind of like a dirty dishrag.  It's not amonia and not barnyard, so is this the dreaded "funk" i hear about with microfiber?  I smell it on my GroVia's too, which seem to be cotton.  Actually, I first noticed it when my DS had a GroVia on, and just recently noticed it with a BG.  What could this be, and more importantly how do I get rid of it?

Since I only CD part time (nights and weekends), I typically wash every 3rd day (I try for every other day but it doesn't always happen).  I use Dropps in an HE top loader.  My wash routine is Rinse & Spin cycle on cold w/no detergent & no spin.  Heavy Duty cycle on Hot, heavy soil, extra rinse, w/1 Dropps packet. 


Re: Help with smell issue

  • I don't know anything about Dropps but if I have some residiual stink I'll do an hour long soak in warm water with my RNG detergent, then wash as normal.  Maybe you could try that with your detergent?
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  • I have to use 2 dropps packets in my he toploader.
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  • If I only have 4-5 diapers to wash, should I use 2 Dropps packets?  I was only using 1 because of the small load size.  Maybe I'll start using 2. 
  • imageswith5:
    If I only have 4-5 diapers to wash, should I use 2 Dropps packets?  I was only using 1 because of the small load size.  Maybe I'll start using 2. 
    This may be your problem. You need to have enough CDs in the wash so that they crash into each other. Maybe try washing your CDs with a load of towels or sheets. I'm guessing they aren't getting enough friction to get fully clean.
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  • I currently have both towels and diapers that need washed so I will give this a try and see.  Thanks for the tips!

    Maybe it's time to go full time with the cloth diapers then, so I have enough for a full load.  I've been too chicken to bring them to day care, like i'm "inconveniencing" them or something.  It's lame.

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