Baby Names

Trying to find a thread I was 'watching' and can't see any that I know I was watching??

So the format is different since last time I signed in and am confused!(I usually just look without signing in) Because I know I saved some posts for baby names I like and now that I'm pregnant I'd like to see those!!!! 

I'm in the right place its just not showing up ?

 I tried to look for contacting TheBump but didn't see anywhere for contact and decided to ask here since its the place I come to! 


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Re: Trying to find a thread I was 'watching' and can't see any that I know I was watching??

  • Try doing this... in a Google search bar, type followed by the keywords from your post.  For instance, I recently posted about the name Emily Elizabeth.  If I wanted to find it here, I'd type into Google: "emily elizabeth"

    Hope that helps you. 

    ETA: Don't know how long you've been off thebump, but when the big format change happened, a lot of posts vanished, became unsearchable or archived in some way, and are basically gone for good. 

    ::Happily married since 2008:: Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Click on your profile name in the post. Then when it takes you to your profile page click on the message board tabs and it will show posts you have posted in and if you scroll to the bottom you'll see posts your watching. Hope this helps :)
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  • imagekrissyser:
    Click on your profile name in the post. Then when it takes you to your profile page click on the message board tabs and it will show posts you have posted in and if you scroll to the bottom you'll see posts your watching. Hope this helps :)


    Ya that's where I was and it only shows about 10 posts and it says my total post is a lot lot more! But it doesn't show any watching even tho I know I was watching some..


    Sigh.. Thanks for your help! How frustrating!! 

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