Baby Names

Looking for Middle Name suggestions

Her first name is Kenna and we kind of like Paige and Grace, but aren't settled on anything, so I am looking for suggestions for names that maybe we haven't thought of ??

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Re: Looking for Middle Name suggestions

  • Out of those first two, i much prefer Grace. Sounds really great together. What u want in a mn?
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  • Those are all great ideas ! I would like it to flow and sound pretty and not be something she is embarassed of later.

    Elizabeth is my middle name and a family name, however DH's ex GF is Elizabeth and apparently she scarred him for life because he won't consider it. Other family names would be Dorothy, Louise, Constance, Beulah, and Mae, unless we got into maiden names, which would be Orr, Castle, and Ramey. Not many choices lol


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  • My vote is Kenna Grace. I think it sounds lovely. 

    Other MN suggestions:











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  • Grace! I love virtuous names says a lot about character

    Harmony, Faith, Hope, Vera, Charity, Lilian, Chasity, Joy, Virtue, Wisdom, Mercy, Generous, Elizabeth, Alyssa, Lisette, Annabelle/Annabel, Patience is a name (they used it in Catwoman), Amorosa, Ava, Evelyn, Rebekah, Ruthy-Ann, Marie, Ann Marie, Anastacia, Jessenia


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