This week I was a "mom" to 9 kids 9 and under (ages: 1,2,2,3,3,4,5,7,8) from Sunday night until tonight. I did homeschool for the older 3 and did meals, baths and bedtime by myself.... It was a busy week but I feel totally more prepared for the large family we have envisioned having! I told dh we should get cracking on #3 lol....I am obviously more capable than I realized
It was a fun week and I am proud of myself! Bring on the kids
Re: My week with 9 children as a single mom
Wow, MayDay! You sound like it went really well! Major props and kudos to you!
To be honest, I think I would have come out feeling like a half-drowned rodent if I survived that at all. I'm really impressed!
How did you come to be in such a situation, anyway?
That's impressive! go find baby #3
Wow - All I can say is YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
Hope your sister is doing better but how awesome of you to take on those kids!