Baby Names

Ursula and Matilda -- opinions?

What are your thoughts/impressions that go with each of these names?  I know the Ursula/Little Mermaid connection -- think it will matter to babies being born today?  And if you like these names, what middle names would you choose?
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Re: Ursula and Matilda -- opinions?

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    Matilda.  I love that name and think it is adorable with lots of cute nickname options (I love Tillie).

    Ursula just isn't as pretty to me, even without the LM connection.  And yes, I do think it matters.  My daughter's good friend (who is 3) LOOOOOVES "The Little Mermaid".  It is a classic that kids are still watching.  My daughter has seen it once and adores Ariel. 

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    I like Matilda. And yes I do think Ursula will matter to babies born today. My daughter is three and knows that Ursula is the scary sea witch from The Little Mermaid. Disney Princess is huge with little kids right now and of all the names from the Disney line-up that would probably be the worst name for a kid to have. Good luck!

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    I LOVE Matilda, nn Tillie!

    I think Ursula is a fine name, however, I first think of Phoebe's evil twin on Friends and then of course like pp The Little Mermaid. I will go with the advice given out many times on this board, if you love it, use it. I'm naming my DD Zelda, there is a huge video game association that comes with the name but, it is the only one DH and I both LOVE.


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    On another note my daughter would be very upset to learn that she had the same name as the evil character in one of her favorite movies. And even if she did not watch it herself her peers would make the connection.

     This entire scenario reminds me of how upset my daughter was when she saw a picture of an old man whose name started with the same letter as her name. I finally had to agree that no the name below the picture was not his name. I can only imagine her reaction to a character on a movie that had her name unless it was the heroine.  

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    They are both two of my most hated names ever! I just can't see cute little girls walking around with these old ugly names! Ursula will always make me think of a fat octopus blob, thanks Disney! 

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    I LOVE Matilda. but I like the nn Tilde (till-dee)

    Ursula?meh, don't love don't hate.

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    I like them both but I would love to see a little girl named Ursula. So refreshing.
    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
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    Matilda is just okay IMO.  Maybe just NMS though.

    I don't care for Ursula and definitely think kids today will make the Little Mermaid connection.  

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    Matilda is cute. Ursula is awful. 



    Proud Mama to cleft cutie <3
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    I really like Matilda, and I have a friend named Ursula.  I think they're both nice names.  MN, though?  Maybe Ann or Claire?
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    I can't get into Ursula, but I love the name Matilda (and I love the nickname Tillie too!).
    Mary Jane {12} Kaden {10} Eliza {4} Due Sept. '14

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    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
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    I prefer Matilda over Ursula.  I actually really like the sound of Ursula and think it's really pretty but around here it would be URRRRR-sula and I don't like the long "r" that would be put on it.

    Edit:  um, didn't mean to post, pressed enter and away it went, odd....

    If people can argue that Fiona can make it past Shrek then why can't Urusula make it past the Little Mermaid?  I think Matilda is just a bit more common, and think the nick name Tillie is super cute, combined with the local accent and the vote goes to Matilda, but Ursula is nice too.

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    I agree with many of the above posts about Matilda.  Love it, especially with the nn Tille.

    I've never liked the name Ursula.  It has always sounded like a James Bond villain to me. 


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    Matilda is a sweet name, although NMS so I wouldn't give it to my own girl.

    Ursula... bear in mind that writers often come up with names to "fit" their characters. It's not just that the villain in the LM is named Ursula so we think of her... it's also that the creators of the movie thought, "Hey, wouldn't Ursula be a great name for a big, scary, evil, mean octopus??" That's not to say that there haven't been some lovely Ursulas walking around, but the name does seem to carry a negative sense to it for many (and yes, little girls will definitely make the association to the movie!).

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    I hate the sound of both of these names.  And I would never use Ursula because of the LM connection... I think those Disney princess movies will never go away and even kids of the next generation will know who she is.
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    Maybe because I'm probably older than most of you on here so I had no clue about the connection to the cartoon, but I really like the name Ursula.  I had a really good friend throughout my school years with this name, and she was truly beautiful.  The only other association I have to that name is the actress, Ursula Andress, who was quite beautiful back in the day. 
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    Yes, children still like Little Mermaid. Don't name her's really unattractive anyway.

    Matilda is really cute.


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    Matilda is cute. Ursula is awful. 

    I agree.

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    Love Matilda. Hate Ursula, I can only picture the mermaid & I think a lot of kids will still be growing up with the Disney classics - I've already started my collection for future LOs.


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    Funny that you posted this. I was just going to post a question about Ursula - I still might, actually. I love using family names for MN's, and both of DH's grandmas are named Ursula. I'm sorry, but I just really dislike the name. I think Matilda's good, though.

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    Sorry, Ursula will always be the sea witch in my opinion. Matilda is better, but all I can think about is Australia and kangaroos when I hear that name.
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    I like Matilda, but I don't think Ursula is pretty at all.
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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    Like them both -- love Ursula.  I love that it's derived from the word for bear, and I imagine a strong blonde Scandinavian goddess when I hear the name.  Don't really care about the sea witch association, but then again, I've never watched the Little Mermaid.
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    Matilda is just okay IMO.  Maybe just NMS though.

    I don't care for Ursula and definitely think kids today will make the Little Mermaid connection.  


    Happily married to my Snorkelbutt - 07/31/10

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    I prefer Matilda over Ursula.  I actually really like the sound of Ursula and think it's really pretty but around here it would be URRRRR-sula and I don't like the long "r" that would be put on it.

    Edit:  um, didn't mean to post, pressed enter and away it went, odd....

    If people can argue that Fiona can make it past Shrek then why can't Urusula make it past the Little Mermaid?  I think Matilda is just a bit more common, and think the nick name Tillie is super cute, combined with the local accent and the vote goes to Matilda, but Ursula is nice too.

    I still think of Shrek when I hear that name Fiona. Ugh.

    Happily married to my Snorkelbutt - 07/31/10

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    I think of ursula andress as a previous poster mentioned. She was an absolutely gorgeous bond girl. I like both names
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    Matilda is cute. Ursula is awful. 

    I agree.

    I third this.

    And I believe Fiona can get past the Shrek association bc even though she is an ogre, she is still a princess and a kick butt one at that, plus she is still good and kind. 


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    I like Matilda.  Ursula just sounds ugly to me.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
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    If people can argue that Fiona can make it past Shrek then why can't Urusula make it past the Little Mermaid?  I think Matilda is just a bit more common, and think the nick name Tillie is super cute, combined with the local accent and the vote goes to Matilda, but Ursula is nice too.

    I still think of Shrek when I hear that name Fiona. Ugh.

    I knew several Fionas before Shrek came out. I think Fiona is a much more common name than Ursula is, so for me it's not as strong of a connection. Besides, Fiona is a good character, not and evil one, so it's not as negative of a connection.

    Even though I strongly dislike Matilda as well, the nn Tillie does make it MUCH more bearable. I also know that some people with this name go by Tilda when they get older. Tillie as a little girl and Tilda when they get older is tolerable for me. Matilda also has very strong Aussie associations... I don't know if that is something you are going for, OP.

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    To me, neither one is an attractive name, but they're otherwise fine, legit names. I do think there will be a LM connection with Ursula, though. Some mn ideas: Ursula Catelyn Ursula Miriam Ursula Julie Matilda Katherine Matilda Grace Matilda Ruby
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    i'm sorry to be so blunt but both are extremely ugly.
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    I love old lady names, but neither of these names are pretty to me yet.
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    Not a fan of Ursula, LOVE Matilda. If I didn't need my husband to agree, I would name our next girl (hopefully) Matilda Joy.

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    They are both two of my most hated names ever! I just can't see cute little girls walking around with these old ugly names! Ursula will always make me think of a fat octopus blob, thanks Disney! 

    Come on, look at my siggy and tell me that's not cute! It's okay, I know I picked a name that a love/hate sort of name and I'm cool with that.

    OP, obviously my vote is Matilda. I don't dislike Ursula, but it's not a favorite. I don't think Little Mermaid when I hear it, but I never liked that movie anyways.

    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
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    I love Matilda.  If I were to do Ursala, it would probably be as a Middle Name.

    I like 

    Matilda Anne

    Matilda Rose

    Matilda Kate

    Matilda Violet

    Ursala Elizabeth

    Ursala Catherine

    Ursala Jane




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    I don't like either of them.
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    We were *this* close to naming Little Lady Matilda, and in fact, I had some name regret for a couple weeks after we decided not to (Totally over it, though. PP hormones are brutal). We'll probably use it if we have another girl. So yeah, I like it.

    Ursula....I wish I could like it. It sounds like the name of a cool, spunky girl who is self-confident enough to overcome the fact that...she has a really ugly name. Sorry.  

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    I adore Matilda and love nn Milly or Tilly with it.

    Ursula is not pretty to me at all sorry..

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